Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 54 40.7

line true false branch
130 0 3 if (ref $class)
132 0 0 if ($class->isa('Math::ContinuedFraction'))
154 3 0 if (scalar @_)
161 3 0 if (ref $a_ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $a_ref eq 'Math::BigRat') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $a_ref eq 'Math::BigInt' and ref $b_ref eq 'Math::BigInt') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $a_ref eq 'Math::NumSeq') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $a_ref eq '' and ref $b_ref eq '' and defined $a_ref and defined $b_ref) { }
170 1 2 if (ref $seq[$#seq] eq 'ARRAY')
173 1 0 if scalar @r > 0
180 3 0 scalar @seq ? :
187 0 3 if (defined $b_ref and ref $b_ref eq 'ARRAY')
191 0 0 if (ref $seq[$#seq] eq 'ARRAY')
194 0 0 if scalar @r > 0
196 0 0 scalar @seq ? :
272 0 3 if $r == 0
273 1 2 if ($r == 1)
308 2 7 if $last == $a
347 0 0 $self->{'repeat_a'} ? :
358 11 12 $self->{'repeat_a'} ? :
467 0 23 unless $terms
468 0 23 if $terms > $sl and $rl == 0
470 10 13 if ($terms > $sl)
479 0 10 if ($remainder > 0)
541 0 0 if $self->{'repeat_a'}
561 2 2 if $self->{'repeat_a'}
608 0 0 $other->{'repeat_a'} ? :