Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 57 12.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
137 0 0 0 $Nibble eq "\000" and not $HaveSeenFirst
188 1 0 0 $U1 ge "\330" and $U1 le "\334"
198 0 5 0 $U2 eq "\000" and $N1 eq "\231"
200 0 0 5 $U2 eq $U1 and $N1 ne "\377"
0 0 0 $U2 eq $U1 and $N1 eq "\377"
239 0 0 0 $U1 eq "\000" and $N1 eq "\231"
270 0 0 0 $#UpperUniq == 1 and $UpperUniq[0] eq "\000" || $UpperUniq[1] eq "\000"
498 0 0 0 $CheckPtr + 2 >= $#CheckArr and index($HighSurr . $LowSurr, $CheckArr[$CheckPtr]) > -1
507 0 0 0 index($HighSurr, $Upper1) > -1 and index($LowSurr, $Upper2) == -1
0 0 0 index($HighSurr, $Upper1) == -1 and index($LowSurr, $Upper2) > -1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
270 0 0 0 $UpperUniq[0] eq "\000" || $UpperUniq[1] eq "\000"
0 0 0 $#UpperUniq == 0 or $#UpperUniq == 1 and $UpperUniq[0] eq "\000" || $UpperUniq[1] eq "\000"
302 0 0 0 length($InStr) % 2 == 1 or length $InStr < 2
354 0 0 0 $Count == 0 or $Count > 36
436 0 0 0 $InputCheck == 1 or $InputCheck == 3
0 0 0 $InputCheck == 1 or $InputCheck == 3 or $InputCheck == 6
482 0 1 0 $Upper ne "\000" or index($STD13Chars, $Lower) == -1
507 0 0 0 index($HighSurr, $Upper1) > -1 and index($LowSurr, $Upper2) == -1 or index($HighSurr, $Upper1) == -1 and index($LowSurr, $Upper2) > -1
542 22 4 16 ord $OctetIn[$j] < 20 or ord $OctetIn[$j] > 126