Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 36 75.0

line true false branch
29 0 3 unless my $short = $self->csv->getline($fh)
31 0 3 unless my $long = $self->csv->getline($fh)
41 0 3 unless my $csv = 'Text::CSV'->new({'binary', 1})
68 2 0 /\s+([A-Z]{1,2})\t(\d+)/ ? :
84 5 0 if /^([A-Z]+)/i
86 3 5 $areas ? :
96 0 5 if ($args{'short_column_names'}) { }
106 4 1 unless $args{'outcodes'}
109 1 4 @outcodes ? :
110 1 4 if $match
121 14 81 unless ($fh2 and not eof $fh2)
122 5 9 unless my $file = shift @data_files
133 20 0 if ($args{'include_lat_long'} and $pc{'Eastings'} and $pc{'Northings'})
140 30 60 if ($args{'split_postcode'} or $match)
147 0 30 if ($@ or not $unit) { }
155 0 30 if $match and not +($area . $district) =~ /$match/
157 20 10 if ($args{'split_postcode'})
187 5 15 if ++$i > $batch_size