Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 44 72.7

line true false branch
23 1 3 unless defined $input
25 2 1 ref $input ? :
31 1 2 if ($xc->findnodes('//g:Placemark[@id="tour"]/gx:MultiTrack/gx:Track')->size) { }
2 0 elsif (length $xc->findvalue('//g:Document/g:Placemark/g:LineString/g:coordinates') > 0) { }
43 0 3 if (ref $output eq 'SCALAR') { }
2 1 elsif (ref $output) { }
56 0 5 unless unzip($kmz_file_handle, \$buffer)
62 0 2 unless zip(\$xml, $kmz_file_handle, 'Name', 'doc.kml')
74 0 3 if $@
130 782 1 $last_time ? :
149 5 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
151 0 5 if $@
153 0 4 unless $settings->{'points'} and ref $settings->{'points'} eq 'ARRAY' and ref $settings->{'points'}[0] eq 'HASH'
168 0 4 if lc $settings->{'altitude_mode'} eq 'msl'
169 1 3 if lc $settings->{'altitude_mode'} eq 'agl'
170 0 4 if lc $settings->{'altitude_mode'} eq 'relative'
200 0 1944 if $point->{'time'} < $settings->{'points'}[0]{'time'} + $settings->{'start_trim'} or $point->{'time'} > $settings->{'points'}[-1]{'time'} - $settings->{'end_trim'}
203 1469 475 if $total_duration < $settings->{'gap_duration'}
212 475 0 defined $point->{'duration'} ? :
228 475 1425 $node_name eq 'altitude' ? :
475 1900 $node_name eq 'tilt' ? :
240 3 472 unless ($wait)