Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 80 120 66.6

line true false branch
246 0 12 if (not exists $args{$arg}) { }
0 12 elsif (not defined $args{$arg}) { }
263 2 2 if (exists $args{'population'})
279 1 3 if (exists $args{'totalNumGenes'})
287 0 4 if (exists $args{'population'} and exists $args{'totalNumGenes'})
308 2 2 if ($self->__isUsingPopulation) { }
329 3 1 if (not defined $self->totalNumGenes) { }
0 1 elsif ($populationSize > $self->totalNumGenes) { }
341 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
360 1 3 if ($populationSize < $self->totalNumGenes)
658 14 2101 unless $self->__correctionMethod eq 'none'
662 2 2113 if $self->__shouldCalculateFDR
678 0 2116 if (not exists $args{'genes'}) { }
0 2116 elsif (not defined $args{'genes'}) { }
693 0 2116 unless (exists $kAllowedCorrectionMethods{$self->__correctionMethod})
703 2 2114 if (exists $args{'calculateFDR'} and $args{'calculateFDR'} != 0) { }
729 1058 1058 if ($self->__isUsingPopulation)
745 16 20087 if ($databaseId =~ /^$kFakeIdPrefix/o and not $self->__origNameInPopulation($$databaseId2OrigNameRef{$databaseId}) or not $self->__databaseIdIsInBackground($databaseId))
766 1 1057 if (@missingIds == @{$databaseIdsRef;})
776 3 1054 if (@missingIds)
778 0 3 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
838 0 2115 if (scalar $self->genesDatabaseIds > $self->totalNumGenes)
840 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
1077 0 53129 if $gene eq ''
1081 0 53129 if (exists $genes{$gene})
1083 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS and not exists $warned{$gene})
1098 0 53129 if ($self->__annotationProvider->nameIsAmbiguous($gene)) { }
1100 0 0 if $GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS
1102 0 0 if ($self->__annotationProvider->nameIsStandardName($gene)) { }
1104 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
1116 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
1138 19 53110 unless (defined $databaseId)
1147 0 16 if (defined $self->__totalNumAnnotatedGenes and $self->__totalNumAnnotatedGenes == $self->totalNumGenes and $GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS and not $self->__isUsingPopulation)
1173 0 53129 if (defined $databaseId and exists $databaseIds{$databaseId})
1189 53129 0 if defined $databaseId
1195 0 0 if (%duplicates and $GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
1252 66050 3 unless ($databaseId =~ /^$kFakeIdPrefix/o)
1258 534 65519 unless (defined $goidsRef and @{$goidsRef;})
1285 15361 50692 if (exists $$self{$kDirectAnnotationToAspect}{$databaseId})
1328 19429 93245 unless (exists $$self{$kGOIDsForDatabaseIds}{$databaseId})
1339 0 32710 unless ($self->__ontologyProvider->nodeFromId($goid))
1341 0 0 if ($GO::TermFinder::WARNINGS)
1365 4516 28194 if ($goid eq $aspectId)
1409 2115 347210 if $goid eq $rootGoid
1416 242073 105137 if $self->__numAnnotationsToGoId($goid) <= 1
1427 0 457821 unless $$a{'PVALUE'} <=> $$b{'PVALUE'}
1454 0 105137 if ($N - $M < $n - $x)
1468 0 105137 if ($M == $N) { }
1578 10 2 if ($correctionFactor > 1)
1590 1676 235 if $$hypothesis{'CORRECTED_PVALUE'} > 1
1647 0 2000 unless @pvals
1665 2000 15269 if $pvals[0]{'PVALUE'} > $$realHypothesis{'PVALUE'}
1682 34 40 if (exists $$realHypothesis{'NUM_OBSERVATIONS'}) { }
1772 2 2 if ($self->__isUsingPopulation) { }
1788 0 4 if (not defined $self->totalNumGenes) { }
1932 0 100 unless @pvals
1957 3700 14324 if $$pval{'PVALUE'} > $$realHypothesis{'PVALUE'}
1979 32 42 if (exists $realHypotheses[$i]{'FDR_OBSERVATIONS'}) { }
1989 6 26 if ($realHypotheses[$i]{'FDR_RATE'} > 1)
2059 290499 554230 unless exists $nodeToIndex{$goid}