Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 42 57.1

line true false branch
119 2 153 unless $_ = $self->_readline
131 2 151 if (s/^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]//)
135 2 0 if ($match =~ /([-\d\.+]+)/)
148 153 0 if (defined $tree)
183 0 541 if ($self->print_tree_count)
190 0 541 if (not defined $tree or ref($tree) =~ /ARRAY/i or not $tree->isa('Bio::Tree::TreeI'))
201 541 0 if $self->_flush_on_write and defined $self->_fh
216 1355 1935 if (scalar @data >= 1) { }
234 5 3285 if ($params->{'no_bootstrap_values'} != 1 and not $node->is_Leaf and defined $node->bootstrap and $params->{'bootstrap_style'} eq 'traditional' and $params->{'internal_node_id'} eq 'bootstrap') { }
3285 0 elsif ($params->{'no_internal_node_labels'} != 1) { }
242 5 0 if defined $bootstrap
245 2968 317 if defined $id
248 3290 0 if ($params->{'no_branch_lengths'} != 1)
250 2700 590 if defined $blen
253 0 3290 if ($params->{'bootstrap_style'} eq 'molphy')
255 0 0 if defined $bootstrap
258 0 3290 if ($params->{'newline_each_node'} == 1)
278 680 541 if @_
311 0 0 if (defined $val)
313 0 0 if (not $val =~ /^nobranchlength|molphy|traditional/i) { }
339 0 0 if @_