Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 46 65.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
97 188 3175 321 length $next == length $str and $str eq $next
133 158 0 4 $char eq '<' and $self->_match_str('<<')
423 0 0 56 defined $char and $char =~ /[A-F0-9]/i

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
81 0 48 $option // {}
88 2212 0 $next // 0
90 2165 0 $self->{'index'} + $next // 0
104 25 1504 $length // 1
581 134 21 shift() // 'STATE_KEY'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
117 381 0 732 $char eq ' ' or $char eq "\t"
381 107 625 $char eq ' ' or $char eq "\t" or $char eq "\n"
107 0 625 $char eq ' ' or $char eq "\t" or $char eq "\n" or $char eq "\r"
169 4 3 0 $self->_match_str('//') or $self->_match_str('/*')
234 3 0 11 $self->_consume_if('e') or $self->_consume_if('E')
475 0 0 16 $char eq ' ' or $char eq "\t"
552 1 0 22 $self->_match_str('//') or $self->_match_str('/*')
586 0 2 155 $self->_match_str('//') or $self->_match_str('/*')
657 0 0 217 $self->_match_str('//') or $self->_match_str('/*')