Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 95 36.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
90 0 0 238 $hitcount == 1 and not @_
104 0 0 0 $debug and $debug > 1
148 0 0 0 $debug and $debug > 1
173 55 0 0 $debug and $debug > 1
199 4948 0 0 /^SG\d+$/ and push @seggroups, $_
200 2582 0 2366 /^C\d{3}$/ and push @compcodes, $_
255 92 772 0 @_ && $_[0]
262 845 0 0 $code =~ /^SG\d+$/ and $message_code
433 0 864 0 @_ && $_[0]
458 864 0 0 @$body == 2 and ref $$body[0] eq ''
489 4606 41 416 $$def{'mandatory'} and not $$def{'code'} =~ /^UN.$/
4647 230 186 $$def{'mandatory'} and not $$def{'code'} =~ /^UN.$/ and not $repeats
583 6918 965 0 @_ && $_[0]
709 0 0 0 $_ ne 'label' and $_ ne 'value'
0 0 0 $_ ne 'label' and $_ ne 'value' and $_ ne 'code'
718 0 0 0 ref $_ and $$_{'code'}
842 0 0 7 $agency and $agency eq 'UN'
843 0 0 7 $pre and uc $pre eq 'D'
846 7 0 0 @_ and $_[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
79 670 0 $$_{'repeats'} || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
33 13190 0 17719 $name =~ /^syntax/ or $name =~ /^SG\d+$/
13190 137 17582 $name =~ /^syntax/ or $name =~ /^SG\d+$/ or $name =~ s/^s(eg(ment)?)?//i
90 432 0 238 $total_possible == 1 or $hitcount == 1 and not @_
382 0 0 0 $$self{'error'} || $error
383 0 0 0 $debug or not $quiet
391 0 0 0 ref $obj_or_message || $obj_or_message
421 6912 0 0 'Business::EDI'->subelement({$_, $$body{$_}}) || $$body{$_}
468 0 0 0 ref $bodypart || "a scalar='${bodypart}'"
606 0 0 0 ref $self || $self
607 7678 12 0 $codelist_map ||= 'Business::EDI::CodeList'->codemap
612 1885 19 2842 /^C\d{3}$/ or /^S\d{3}$/
701 0 0 0 $cgi ||= 'CGI'->new