Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 38 72 52.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
64 122 0 0 $debug and $debug > 1
152 0 0 72 $type and $trio = $$spec_map{$type}
171 0 0 76 $type and $trio = $$spec_map{$type}
266 0 4332 118219 $codeparts[-1] and $codeparts[-1] ne $code
4332 6718 111501 $codeparts[-1] and $codeparts[-1] ne $code and $codeparts[-1] ne 'UN'
269 122551 0 0 $debug and $debug > 1
355 49 0 34 $a =~ /SG(\d+)$/ and $a_num = $1
49 1 33 $a =~ /SG(\d+)$/ and $a_num = $1 and $b =~ /SG(\d+)$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
148 72 0 shift() || ''
167 76 0 shift() || ''
187 148 0 shift() || ''
148 0 shift() || ''
468 2101 0 $1 || '0900'
469 1624 477 $2 || 'zzzz'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
57 0 0 0 $args{'version'} || $self->version || $fields{'version'} || $self->version_default || $fields{'version_default'}
58 122 0 0 $args{'syntax'} || $self->syntax || $fields{'syntax'} || $self->syntax_default || $fields{'syntax_default'}
59 64 0 0 $self->version_default || $fields{'version_default'}
60 0 0 0 $self->syntax_default || $fields{'syntax_default'}
131 72 0 0 $self->version || $self->version_default
139 76 0 0 $self->syntax || $self->syntax_default
246 22 98 22 $type eq 'composite' or $type eq 'message'
120 22 0 $type eq 'composite' or $type eq 'message' or $type eq 'segment'
120 0 0 $type eq 'composite' or $type eq 'message' or $type eq 'segment' or $type eq 'segment_group'
336 3460 528 0 $a_num <=> $b_num || $a cmp $b
350 2 18315 0 $a_part cmp $1 || $a_num <=> $2
470 531 17 1553 $v eq $low or $v eq $hi