Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 51 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
178 0 0 0 defined $Gstream and length $Gstream > 0
207 0 0 0 defined $x && defined $y && defined $rotate
531 0 0 0 defined $GformBox[2] and defined $GformBox[3]
536 0 0 0 $multi > 119780 and $multi < 121780
540 0 0 0 $multi > 123443 and $multi < 125443
544 0 0 0 $multi > 152720 and $multi < 154720
548 0 0 0 $multi > 241352 and $multi < 243352
552 0 0 0 $multi > 248305 and $multi < 250305
556 0 0 0 $multi > 307448 and $multi < 309448
560 0 0 0 $multi > 483704 and $multi < 485704
563 0 0 0 $multi > 499395 and $multi < 501395
566 0 0 0 $multi > 615896 and $multi < 617896
773 0 0 0 defined $c and $c ne "\n"
0 0 0 defined $c and $c ne "\n" and $c ne "\r"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
115 0 0 0 $input =~ /^-h$/ or $input =~ /^--help$/
117 0 0 0 $input =~ /^-v$/ or $input =~ /^--version$/
457 0 0 0 $2 ne "n" or exists $GoldObject{$i}