Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 332 522 63.6

line true false branch
44 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'REQUIRE_XML_LIBXML_ABI_VERSION')) { }
0 0 elsif ($caller eq 'XML::LibXSLT') { }
50 0 0 unless ($req_abi == $XML::LibXML::ABI_VERSION)
51 0 0 @_ ? :
186 0 214 if (grep /^:threads_shared$/, @_) { }
82 132 elsif (defined $XML::LibXML::__loaded) { }
188 0 0 if (not defined $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared) { }
0 0 elsif (not $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared) { }
189 0 0 if (INIT_THREAD_SUPPORT()) { }
194 0 0 if ($@)
207 64 18 unless defined $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared
213 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
307 25 83 if (ref $self) { }
316 99 68 if (defined $f) { }
0 68 elsif ($key eq 'set_parser_flags') { }
0 68 elsif ($key eq 'unset_parser_flags') { }
317 71 28 if ($value) { }
354 43 140 if (@_) { }
356 25 18 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
368 0 43 if exists $opts{'keep_blanks'} and not exists $opts{'no_blanks'}
369 13 30 if exists $opts{'expand_entities'} and not exists $opts{'load_ext_dtd'}
374 1 42 if $opts{'catalog'}
380 13 86 unless exists $XML::LibXML::PARSER_FLAGS{$_}
385 0 183 if (defined $self->{'Handler'})
416 0 0 if ($XML::LibXML::__threads_shared)
422 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
436 10 3 if (not @_ or $_[0] =~ /^\d\.\d$/) { }
445 0 3 if @_
463 10 16 if (defined $icbclass)
471 688 0 if (ref $self) { }
472 4 684 if (scalar @_)
479 0 0 if scalar @_
486 688 0 if (ref $self) { }
487 4 684 if (scalar @_)
494 0 0 if scalar @_
501 688 0 if (ref $self) { }
502 4 684 if (scalar @_)
509 0 0 if scalar @_
516 688 0 if (ref $self) { }
517 4 684 if (scalar @_)
524 0 0 if scalar @_
531 0 0 if (ref $self) { }
532 0 0 if (@_) { }
542 0 0 if (@_) { }
556 119 570 if (@_ > 2) { }
557 66 53 if ($_[2]) { }
565 93 477 $self->{'XML_LIBXML_PARSER_OPTIONS'} & $opt ? :
571 23 1 $XML::LibXML::PARSER_FLAGS{$name} || $OUR_FLAGS{$name} ? :
576 34 137 if $flag
578 137 0 if $flag
585 19 39 if $flag
587 39 0 if $flag
594 1 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (@_ % 2 == 0) { }
612 5 62 if (scalar @_)
622 2 31 if (defined $arg)
624 1 1 $arg == 1 ? :
626 3 30 ($self->recover || 0) == 2 ? :
631 7 7 if (scalar @_ and $_[0])
641 7 30 if (scalar @_)
642 3 4 $_[0] ? :
644 5 32 $self->__parser_option(256, @args) ? :
654 4 5 if scalar @_
680 2 2 if scalar @_
686 0 0 if scalar @_
700 42 40 if (defined $_[0]) { }
720 4 307 if defined $uri
722 16 295 if ($self->expand_xinclude)
727 1 15 if ($err)
739 161 523 unless (defined $icb)
757 1 0 if (ref $_[0]) { }
767 0 34 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
770 0 16 if defined $URI
772 3 13 if (ref $class_or_self) { }
779 1 15 if (defined $args{'location'}) { }
13 2 elsif (defined $args{'string'}) { }
2 0 elsif (defined $args{'IO'}) { }
796 0 14 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
798 0 6 if defined $URI
800 6 0 if (ref $class_or_self) { }
806 0 6 if (defined $args{'location'}) { }
6 0 elsif (defined $args{'string'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'IO'}) { }
830 0 368 unless ref $self
831 0 368 if $self->{'_State_'}
833 8 360 unless (defined $_[0] and length $_[0])
842 37 323 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
848 3 34 if ($err)
849 1 2 unless ref $err
859 78 245 if ($err)
860 0 78 unless ref $err
874 0 9 unless ref $self
875 0 9 if $self->{'_State_'}
881 0 9 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
886 0 0 if ($err)
887 0 0 unless ref $err
896 3 6 if ($err)
897 2 1 unless ref $err
912 0 68 unless ref $self
913 0 68 if $self->{'_State_'}
920 1 67 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
925 0 1 if ($err)
926 0 0 unless ref $err
935 7 60 if ($err)
936 1 6 unless ref $err
953 0 75 unless ref $self
954 0 75 if $self->{'_State_'}
956 3 72 unless (defined $_[0] and length $_[0])
964 29 43 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
972 27 2 unless ($self->{'IS_FILTER'})
985 8 64 if ($err)
986 0 8 unless ref $err
1002 0 1 if ($err)
1003 0 0 unless ref $err
1015 6 16 if ($self->{'_State_'} != 1)
1023 6 16 if ($self->{'_State_'} != 1)
1027 4 18 if ($err)
1028 2 2 unless ref $err
1048 0 0 if ($err)
1049 0 0 unless ref $err
1061 10 18 unless ref $opts
1065 4 24 exists $opts->{'recover'} ? :
1067 20 8 if ($recover)
1070 4 16 if ($recover == 2)
1077 1 27 if $opts->{'no_defdtd'}
1078 1 27 exists $opts->{'suppress_errors'} ? :
2 26 if exists $opts->{'suppress_errors'} ? $opts->{'suppress_errors'} : $self->get_option('suppress_errors')
1084 1 27 if ($self->recover_silently)
1088 0 28 if $opts->{'suppress_warnings'}
1089 0 28 exists $opts->{'pedantic_parser'} ? :
0 28 if exists $opts->{'pedantic_parser'} ? $opts->{'pedantic_parser'} : $self->pedantic_parser
1090 0 28 exists $opts->{'no_blanks'} ? :
0 28 if exists $opts->{'no_blanks'} ? $opts->{'no_blanks'} : !$self->keep_blanks
1091 0 28 exists $opts->{'no_network'} ? :
28 0 if exists $opts->{'no_network'} ? $opts->{'no_network'} : !$self->no_network
1092 0 28 if $opts->{'no_cdata'}
1093 0 28 if $opts->{'compact'}
1096 0 28 if $opts->{'huge'}
1097 0 28 if $opts->{'oldsax'}
1104 0 18 unless ref $self
1105 0 18 if $self->{'_State_'}
1107 0 18 unless (defined $str and length $str)
1121 0 18 if ($err)
1122 0 0 unless ref $err
1134 0 6 unless ref $self
1135 0 6 if $self->{'_State_'}
1145 0 6 if ($err)
1146 0 0 unless ref $err
1158 0 4 unless ref $self
1159 0 4 if $self->{'_State_'}
1169 0 4 if ($err)
1170 0 0 unless ref $err
1185 1 77 if (defined $self->{'CONTEXT'})
1189 36 42 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
1202 36 104 unless (defined $self->{'CONTEXT'})
1213 0 140 if ($err)
1214 0 0 unless ref $err
1226 41 158 unless (defined $self->{'CONTEXT'})
1230 159 40 if (defined $chunk and length $chunk)
1234 40 152 if ($terminate)
1243 0 77 unless defined $self->{'CONTEXT'}
1247 36 41 if (defined $self->{'SAX'}) { }
1258 2 75 if ($err)
1259 0 2 unless ref $err
1283 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
1289 0 0 $self->can($feature) ? :
1297 157 2 wantarray ? :
1303 2 0 wantarray ? :
1309 49 2 wantarray ? :
1316 44 14 if (wantarray) { }
1340 0 0 if ($type)
1349 34 0 if ($type)
1362 2 12 defined $xpath ? :
0 14 defined $xpc ? :
1376 0 0 defined $xpath ? :
0 0 defined $xpc ? :
1389 8 2 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($xpc, 'XML::LibXML::XPathContext'))
1390 0 8 if ($inc_prefix_list) { }
1397 0 10 if (defined $inc_prefix_list and not UNIVERSAL::isa($inc_prefix_list, 'ARRAY'))
1400 9 1 defined $xpath ? :
7 3 defined $inc_prefix_list ? :
2 8 defined $xpc ? :
1424 3 0 defined $enc && length $enc ? :
1432 2 94 if (defined $oldelem)
1445 4 29 if (defined $XML::LibXML::skipXMLDeclaration and $XML::LibXML::skipXMLDeclaration == 1) { }
1448 0 0 if $_->nodeType == 14 and $XML::LibXML::skipDTD
1454 27 2 unless defined $flag
1483 0 0 if (defined $root) { }
1520 58 0 if ($self->hasChildNodes)
1555 4 0 !$self->_isSameNodeLax($other) ? :
1561 8 5 if (&blessed($other) and $other->isa('XML::LibXML::Element')) { }
1563 4 4 $self->isSameNode($other) ? :
1582 5 19 unless (exists $tiecache{0 + $self})
1599 33 0 if ($self->_setNamespace(@_))
1600 5 28 if (scalar @_ < 3 or $_[2] == 1)
1611 21 46 if ($name =~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/) { }
1623 10 28 if ($name =~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/) { }
1631 1 9 if ($nn =~ /^\Q$nsprefix\E:/) { }
1633 1 0 unless $self->setNamespaceDeclURI($nsprefix, $value)
1645 7 2 unless $self->setNamespaceDeclURI($nsprefix, $value)
1657 0 23 if not defined $name or $name eq ''
1658 1 22 if (defined $nsURI and $nsURI eq '') { }
1659 1 0 $name eq 'xmlns' ? :
1668 0 50 unless (defined $qname and length $qname)
1671 1 49 if (defined $nsURI and $nsURI eq '')
1672 0 1 unless ($qname =~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/)
1678 1 48 if ($qname =~ /:/ and not defined $nsURI && length $nsURI)
1681 0 48 if ($qname =~ /^xmlns(?:$|:)/)
1684 0 48 if ($qname =~ /^xml:/ and not defined $nsURI && $nsURI eq '')
1687 44 4 defined $nsURI ? :
1692 1 11 $name eq '*' ? :
1694 12 0 wantarray ? :
1700 6 7 if ($name eq '*') { }
5 2 elsif ($nsURI eq '*') { }
1701 3 3 if ($nsURI eq '*') { }
1712 13 0 wantarray ? :
1718 1 3 if ($name eq '*') { }
1724 4 0 wantarray ? :
1730 3 9 if ($name eq '*') { }
1736 12 0 wantarray ? :
1751 3 0 wantarray ? :
1757 9 0 wantarray ? :
1794 3 6 if ($all) { }
1805 0 6 unless defined $leftre
1810 2 4 if defined $flags
1843 2 0 if ($self->_setNamespace($href, $prefix))
1877 2 1 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
1886 3 0 unless $string =~ /\?>/
1908 2 2 defined $nsP && length $nsP ? :
1915 0 0 if (ref $ref eq 'XML::LibXML::Namespace')
1923 0 0 if ($$self == $$ref)
1939 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
1965 3 0 if (defined $node)
1966 3 0 if (scalar @{$self->{'Nodes'};}) { }
1968 0 3 if ($node->nodeType == 18)
1971 1 2 if (defined $self->{'NodeMap'}{$name}) { }
1972 0 1 if ($node->isSameNode($self->{'NodeMap'}{$name}))
1997 0 1 if ($name =~ /^xmlns/) { }
1 0 elsif (exists $self->{'NodeMap'}{$name}) { }
2041 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
2081 6 5 if (defined $args{'location'}) { }
3 2 elsif (defined $args{'string'}) { }
2 0 elsif (defined $args{'DOM'}) { }
2105 5 4 if (defined $args{'location'}) { }
4 0 elsif (defined $args{'string'}) { }
2130 0 1 unless (UNIVERSAL::can($class, '_compilePattern'))
2135 1 0 if (ref $ns_map eq 'HASH') { }
2157 0 3 unless (UNIVERSAL::can($class, '_compile'))
2193 0 0 $XML::LibXML::__threads_shared ? :
2215 25 12 if (defined $retval and $retval == 1)
2235 25 0 if (defined $XML::LibXML::InputCallback::_CUR_CB)
2239 0 25 if (not defined $retval or $retval == 0)
2254 74 0 if (defined $XML::LibXML::InputCallback::_CUR_CB)
2265 25 0 if (defined $XML::LibXML::InputCallback::_CUR_CB)
2290 11 0 if (ref $cbset eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$cbset == 4)
2300 1 0 if (ref $cbset eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$cbset == 4) { }
2314 677 7 unless $XML::LibXML::InputCallback::_CB_NESTED_DEPTH
2330 684 0 if ($parser)
2335 4 0 if (defined $mcb and defined $ocb and defined $rcb and defined $ccb)
2341 1 0 if (defined $XML::LibXML::match_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::open_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::read_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::close_cb)
2364 677 7 unless $XML::LibXML::InputCallback::_CB_NESTED_DEPTH