Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 35 62.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
175 10 3 24 $sitename and not $baseobj
183 14 1 22 $current_sitename and $current_sitename eq $sitename
185 0 9 13 $config and $config->is_embedded('hash')
9 2 11 $config and $config->is_embedded('hash') and my $include = $config->get('/xao/objects/include')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
155 48 18 $args->{'sitename'} || $current_sitename || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
142 24 42 0 scalar(@_) % 2 || ref $_[1]
145 66 0 0 $args->{'objname'} || 'XAO::E::Objects'->throw('- no objname given')
158 8 4 0 $baseobj or $sitename
287 42 0 0 scalar(@_) % 2 || ref $_[1]
290 42 0 0 $args->{'objname'} || 'XAO::E::Objects'->throw(q[- no 'objname' given])
295 41 0 0 $class->load($args) || 'XAO::E::Objects'->throw("- can't load object ($objname)")
300 41 0 0 $objref->new($args) || 'XAO::E::Objects'->throw("- error creating instance of $objref ($@)")