Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 220 0.0

line true false branch
73 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_debugLog'}
74 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_writeLog'}
75 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_precision'}
76 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_aCount'}
77 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_bCount'}
78 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_NValue'}
82 0 0 if ($self->{'_writeLog'})
102 0 0 if $self->{'_fileHandle'}
115 0 0 if $self->GetDebugLog == 0 and not defined $fileA && defined $fileB
116 0 0 unless defined $fileA
117 0 0 unless defined $fileB
118 0 0 unless (defined $fileA and defined $fileB)
124 0 0 if $self->GetDebugLog == 0 and not -e $fileA && -e $fileB
125 0 0 unless -e $fileA
126 0 0 unless -e $fileB
127 0 0 unless (-e $fileA and -e $fileB)
133 0 0 if $self->GetDebugLog == 0 and -z $fileA || -z $fileB
134 0 0 if -z $fileA
135 0 0 if -z $fileB
136 0 0 if (-z $fileA or -z $fileB)
159 0 0 unless open A, '<:', $fileA
162 0 0 if $errorOpeningFile == 1
163 0 0 if ($errorOpeningFile == 1)
181 0 0 if ($aCUICheck == 0 and not defined $self->GetIsFileOfWords)
186 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
187 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
188 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
189 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
191 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
192 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
196 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 0
197 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 1
198 0 0 if ($isCUI1 != $isCUI2)
209 0 0 if (defined $self->GetIsFileOfWords and $self->GetIsFileOfWords == 1) { }
217 0 0 if defined $1
220 0 0 if defined $1
223 0 0 if ($score == -1)
243 0 0 unless open B, '<:', $fileB
246 0 0 if $errorOpeningFile == 1
247 0 0 if ($errorOpeningFile == 1)
265 0 0 if ($bCUICheck == 0 and not defined $self->GetIsFileOfWords)
270 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
271 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
272 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
273 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
275 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 0
276 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 1
280 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 1 and $isCUI2 == 0
281 0 0 if $isCUI1 == 0 and $isCUI2 == 1
282 0 0 if ($isCUI1 != $isCUI2)
293 0 0 if (defined $self->GetIsFileOfWords and $self->GetIsFileOfWords == 1) { }
301 0 0 if defined $1
304 0 0 if defined $1
307 0 0 if ($score == -1)
325 0 0 if defined $fileAIsCUIFile and defined $fileBIsCUIFile and $fileAIsCUIFile == 0 and $fileBIsCUIFile == 1
326 0 0 if defined $fileAIsCUIFile and defined $fileBIsCUIFile and $fileAIsCUIFile == 1 and $fileBIsCUIFile == 0
327 0 0 if (defined $fileAIsCUIFile and defined $fileBIsCUIFile)
329 0 0 if ($fileAIsCUIFile == 0 and $fileBIsCUIFile == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($fileAIsCUIFile == 1 and $fileBIsCUIFile == 0) { }
353 0 0 if (exists $bList{$term})
361 0 0 if $count == 0
367 0 0 unless exists $bList{$term}
389 0 0 if (exists $aList{$term})
397 0 0 if $count == 0
403 0 0 unless exists $aList{$term}
417 0 0 if $aCount <= 0
418 0 0 if $bCount <= 0
419 0 0 if $aCount <= 0 or $bCount <= 0
441 0 0 if ($denominator <= 0)
457 0 0 if $aN < $bN
462 0 0 if defined $self->GetPrintN
464 0 0 if defined $includeCountsInResults
475 0 0 unless defined $filePath
476 0 0 unless defined $filePath
478 0 0 if $filePath eq ''
479 0 0 if $filePath eq ''
481 0 0 unless -e $filePath
482 0 0 unless -e $filePath
485 0 0 unless open FILE, '<:', "$filePath"
488 0 0 if ($errorOpeningFile == 1)
502 0 0 if (defined $score and defined $term1 and not defined $term2)
510 0 0 unless defined $score and defined $term1 and defined $term2
511 0 0 unless defined $score and defined $term1 and defined $term2
514 0 0 if $score ne ''
519 0 0 if $isTerm1CUI == 1 and $isTerm2CUI == 1
520 0 0 if $isTerm1CUI == 0 and $isTerm2CUI == 0
524 0 0 if $isTerm1CUI == 1 and $isTerm2CUI == 1
525 0 0 if $isTerm1CUI == 0 and $isTerm2CUI == 0
534 0 0 unless defined $term
540 0 0 if @terms != 2
543 0 0 if $terms[0] ne ''
549 0 0 if $terms[1] ne ''
570 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_debugLog'}
577 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_writeLog'}
584 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_fileHandle'}
591 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_precision'}
633 0 0 if defined $temp
676 0 0 if ($hour < 10)
681 0 0 if ($min < 10)
686 0 0 if ($sec < 10)
711 0 0 unless defined $string
712 0 0 unless defined $printNewLine
715 0 0 if ($self->GetDebugLog)
717 0 0 if (ref $self ne 'Word2vec::Spearmans')
723 0 0 unless defined $string
725 0 0 if $printNewLine != 0
728 0 0 if ($self->GetWriteLog)
730 0 0 if (ref $self ne 'Word2vec::Spearmans')
738 0 0 if (defined $fileHandle)
741 0 0 if $printNewLine != 0