Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 28 67.8

line true false branch
32 51 44 $$self{'error'} ? :
37 1 1 $$self{'error'} ? :
45 88 0 if ($proxyStr) { }
54 88 0 if (defined $protocol and defined $ip and defined $port) { }
56 36 20 unless ($protocol eq 'http' or $protocol eq 'https' or $protocol eq 'socks4' or $protocol eq 'socks')
62 40 12 if ($port <= 65535) { }
88 3 2 if (defined $id and $id =~ /^\w+$/ and length $id <= 14) { }
103 1 0 unless ($$self{'id'})
108 0 1 unless (defined $file)
114 0 1 unless (-f $file)
120 0 1 unless (-r $file)
126 1 0 unless defined $$self{'ua'}
129 0 1 if $$self{'proxy'}
142 1 0 if (my($id) = $res->content =~ m[\w+)]is) { }