Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 32 53.1

line true false branch
18 8 1 if ($pipeline->inclusion_context and $pipeline->parent) { }
1 0 elsif ($action eq 'render') { }
20 0 8 $pipeline->inclusion_context && ref $pipeline->inclusion_context && ref $pipeline->inclusion_context eq 'ARRAY' ? :
21 0 8 if $string =~ /\.\./
23 0 8 if (ref $_ eq 'CODE') { }
27 7 1 if -e $path
40 0 0 if ($literal and ref $literal and $literal->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Operator::With')) { }
45 0 0 unless $literal->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::String')
56 0 7 ref $text ? :
57 0 7 if defined $argument
58 0 7 if ($action eq 'optimize') { }
79 1 9 if $pipeline->inclusion_depth > $pipeline->max_inclusion_depth
81 0 9 unless int @{$self->{'arguments'};} > 0
84 0 9 if ($result and ref $result and $result->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Operator::With')) { }
90 0 9 unless $self->is_processed($string) and $self->is_processed($argument)
92 0 7 unless $self->is_processed($path)