Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 92 126 73.0

line true false branch
26 0 25 unless $opts{'test_dir'}
31 3 14 if $opts{'index'}
38 0 25 unless -d $testdir
44 0 25 unless open my $fh, ">$suite.tmp"
51 0 42 if /(?:\.tmp|TestSuite\.html)$/
55 20 22 if ($f =~ /(.+)\.html$/)
58 0 20 if -e "$testdir/$"
61 1 19 if ($html =~ m[Auto-generated from $testdir/$basename\.wiki] and not -e "$testdir/$")
63 1 0 if $opts{'verbose'}
64 0 1 unless unlink $fp
69 33 8 if $opts{'verbose'}
70 22 19 if (/\.wiki$/)
83 0 17 unless close $fh
85 14 3 if ($tests_added) { }
87 0 14 unless rename "$suite.tmp", $suite
88 14 0 if $opts{'verbose'}
99 11 14 if ($perdir) { }
102 6 13 if (-d $f)
114 43 14 if not -d $_
127 1 21 if $base_href
133 8 14 if ($$results{'errors'})
139 14 0 if $verbose
140 0 14 unless open my $out, ">$html"
151 0 14 unless close $out
172 0 23 unless open my $in, $filename
175 45 122 if /^#/ or /^\s*$/
179 22 100 if (not defined $title || $include) { }
94 6 elsif (/^\s* # some possible leading space \|\s*([^\|]+?)\s*\| # cmd (?:\s*([^\|]+?)\s*\|)? # opt1 (optional) (?:\s*([^\|]+?)\s*\|)? # opt2 (optional) \s*$/x) { }
2 4 elsif (/^\s*include\s+(.+)\s*$/) { }
191 0 94 unless $cmd
195 4 90 if (defined $expected_args and $expected_args != $numargs)
200 0 90 unless defined $opt1
201 46 44 unless defined $opt2
202 2 2 if ($base_href and $cmd eq 'open' || $cmd =~ /(?:assert|verify)Location/)
211 2 0 unless -e $1
212 1 1 unless (-e $incl)
218 1 0 if $$r{'rows'}
219 0 1 if $$r{'errors'}
225 0 23 unless close $in
226 22 1 $title ? :
8 15 @errors ? :
235 0 33 unless open my $fh, $filename
241 0 33 unless close $fh
243 0 33 unless $contents
244 14 19 if $contents =~ m[\s*(.+)\s*]
245 19 0 if $filename =~ m[^.+/(.+)\.html$]
252 3 12 if /TestSuite\.html$/
253 1 2 unless @suites
256 0 2 unless open my $fh, ">$index.tmp"
260 1 2 if $s =~ m[\Q$testdir\E/(.+)/TestSuite\.html$]
265 0 2 unless close $fh
266 0 2 unless rename "$index.tmp", $index
307 0 33 unless open my $fh, $file
312 0 33 unless close $fh
314 0 33 if $@
320 20 5 unless -e $file
322 0 5 unless open my $fh, $file
328 0 5 unless close $fh
340 1 4 if ($eval_err)
342 1 1 if $1 eq 'perdir'
343 0 2 if $1 eq 'index'
344 1 1 if $1 eq 'test_dir'
346 0 1 unless $test_dir