Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 72 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
808 0 0 0 $sText =~ /0 results found for / and $sText =~ / so we searched for / || $sText =~ / so we removed keywords /
843 0 0 0 $s =~ /0 results found in the/ and $s =~ /so we searched in all categories/
1000 0 0 0 defined($enddate = $hit->end_date) and defined($iBids = $hit->bid_count)
0 0 0 defined($enddate = $hit->end_date) and defined($iBids = $hit->bid_count) and 0 < $iBids
0 0 0 defined($enddate = $hit->end_date) and defined($iBids = $hit->bid_count) and 0 < $iBids and Date_Cmp($enddate, 'now') < 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
150 0 0 $self->{'_debug'} ||= 0
165 0 0 $self->{'search_host'} ||= ''
166 0 0 $self->{'search_host'} ||= ''
167 0 0 $self->{'search_path'} ||= '/sch/i.html'
168 0 0 $self->{'search_path'} ||= '/ws/search/SaleSearch'
276 0 0 $self->{'response'}->header('title') || ''
289 0 0 $self->http_request('GET', '')->content || ''
322 0 0 shift() || ''
340 0 0 $hit->bid_count || 'no'
350 0 0 $hit->bid_amount || 'unknown'
360 0 0 $hit->item_number || 'unknown'
361 0 0 shift() || 'current'
380 0 0 $oA->attr('href') || ''
500 0 0 $iBids ||= 0
578 0 0 $oTDdate->attr('class') || ''
635 0 0 shift() || '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
636 0 0 ParseDate($oSR->end_date) || ''
776 0 0 $self->{'response'}->header('title') || ''
883 0 0 $self->{'categories'} ||= []
917 0 0 $oA->as_text || ''
951 0 0 $oTDsib->attr('class') || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
148 0 0 0 $self->{'_debug'} ||= $rhOptsArg->{'search_debug'}
417 0 0 0 $oTDprice->look_down('_tag', 'span', 'class', 'ebSold') or $oTDprice->look_down('_tag', 'span', 'class', 'bold bidsold')
485 0 0 0 $iBids =~ /\A$W*-$W*\Z/ or $iBids =~ /\A$W*\Z/
808 0 0 0 $sText =~ / so we searched for / || $sText =~ / so we removed keywords /
962 0 0 0 $sColumn =~ /bids/ or $sColumn =~ /format/