Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 36 50.0

line true false branch
93 0 3 if not $ean or length $isbn == 13 and $isbn ne $ean or length $isbn == 10 and $isbn ne $self->convert_to_isbn10($ean)
106 0 3 if $@ or not $mech->success or not $mech->content
110 0 3 if (length $isbn == 10)
118 0 3 if $html =~ /Sorry, we couldn't find any matches for/is
127 3 0 if $$data{'publisher'}
128 2 1 if $$data{'pubdate'}
136 0 3 unless $$data{'title'}
145 3 0 if ($$data{'weight'})
146 3 0 if ($$data{'weight'} < 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($$data{'weight'} < 100) { }
0 0 elsif ($$data{'weight'} < 1000) { }
152 3 0 if $$data{'height'}
153 3 0 if $$data{'width'}
154 3 0 if $$data{'depth'}
156 3 0 if ($$data{'author'})
163 3 0 if ($$data{'description'})
172 0 3 unless defined $data
176 1 44 unless defined $$data{$_}