Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 32 100.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
307 16 41 defined $$self->[3]{$key} && scalar @{$$self->[3]{$key};}
873 5 2 $$$self->[4] and scalar @_
920 4 2 $$$self->[4] and scalar @_
1136 9 2 $$T->[4] and scalar @_
1214 3 2 $$T->[4] and scalar @_

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
264 2834 2 989 defined $$self->[3]{lc $pad} and not $is_quoted
295 12 4684 27 defined $$self->[3]{$key} && 1 < scalar @{$$self->[3]{$key};}
821 3 1 1 $$$self->[4] and $count != $self->FETCHSIZE
1080 6 1 1 $$T->[4] and $count != $self->FETCHSIZE
1370 64 249 8 defined $$$self->[0][$i] and $i != $$$self->[3]{$$self->_find_key($$$self->[0][$i])}[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
946 6 4 $length != 0 or scalar @_
1244 6 3 $length != 0 or scalar @_

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1059 1 1 7 not defined $$T->[3]{$self->[2]} or $#{$$T->[3]{$self->[2]};} < $offset