Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 79 308 25.6

line true false branch
112 0 18 $$options{'local_session'} ? :
114 0 18 if $$options{'session_folder'}
181 0 18 unless $route
225 0 0 unless $route
228 0 0 unless $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}
271 0 0 if (@data) { }
274 0 0 $$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_data'} ? :
281 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_data'})
342 18 0 unless ($@)
345 0 18 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'session_folder'}) { }
350 0 18 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'local_session'}) { }
352 0 0 unless -e './sweet'
354 0 0 unless -e './sweet/sessions'
360 0 18 if $session_folder =~ /\;/
364 18 0 if (-d -w "$session_folder/tmp") { }
368 0 0 if (-d -w $session_folder)
369 0 0 unless -d "$session_folder/tmp"
372 0 0 if (-d -w "$session_folder/tmp") { }
395 0 18 if (-e 'sweet/')
397 0 0 if ($@) { }
431 18 0 if ($self->application->{'action_discovery'})
432 0 18 if (-e $self->application->{'path'} . '/sweet/application/Controller')
443 0 0 if ($name =~ /.pm$/)
451 0 0 unless open INPUT, '<', $name
459 0 0 if $controller_ref
467 0 0 if $new
486 0 0 if not defined $self->application->{'actions'}{$_}
537 0 18 unless $controller
539 1 17 $action ? :
540 18 0 if $handler
544 1 17 if ($action) { }
17 0 elsif ($package) { }
548 3 14 if ($package eq '/')
554 18 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'test'}{'route'})
560 0 18 if ($request =~ m[.*/_\w+$])
561 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
574 0 18 if (ref $handler ne 'CODE')
576 0 0 if (exists $$actions{'/root/_index'} and not $$actions{"$controller"} || $$actions{"$package/_index"})
583 18 0 if (ref $handler eq 'CODE') { }
586 0 18 if exists $$actions{'/root/_startup'}
590 0 18 if exists $$actions{"$package/_begin"}
593 0 18 if exists $$actions{'/root/_begin'} and not $$actions{"$package/_begin"}
601 0 0 if exists $$actions{"$package/_end"}
604 0 0 if exists $$actions{'/root/_end'} and not $$actions{"$package/_end"}
609 0 0 if exists $$actions{'/root/_shutdown'}
619 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
663 18 0 $here ? :
664 18 0 if $here =~ m[^/{2,}]
674 3 15 if (ref $$actions{$path} eq 'CODE')
675 3 0 if ($here =~ m[/])
679 3 0 unless $controller =~ m[^/]
689 11 5 if ($pattern =~ /\:([\w]+)/)
693 11 0 if (scalar @keys == scalar @values)
710 3 1 if ($pattern =~ /\*/)
712 3 0 if ($path =~ /$pattern/)
713 3 0 if ($0 and $1)
726 1 0 if ($path =~ m[/])
732 10 0 if (@acts > 1) { }
733 1 9 if (ref $$actions{join '/', @acts} eq 'CODE') { }
743 0 9 if (ref $$actions{join('/', @acts) . '/_index'} eq 'CODE')
755 0 0 if (ref $$actions{"/$acts[0]"} eq 'CODE') { }
765 0 0 if (ref $$actions{"/$acts[0]/_index"} eq 'CODE')
806 0 0 if (defined $self->session)
807 0 0 defined $self->application->{'session'}{'expiration'} ? :
817 0 0 unless ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
851 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
911 0 0 if exists $self->application->{'actions'}{"$path"}
996 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
1000 0 0 unless $url =~ /^http/
1131 0 0 if ($method) { }
1132 0 0 lc $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq lc $method ? :
1179 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'mock_run'})
1187 0 0 if (-e $file and $file) { }
1188 0 0 $file =~ m[/?([\w\.]+)$] ? :
1189 0 0 $name =~ s/(\.\w+)$/$1/ ? :
1196 0 0 if ($data)
1198 0 0 if $ext eq '.pdf'
1200 0 0 if $ext eq '.exe'
1202 0 0 if $ext eq '.zip'
1204 0 0 if $ext eq '.doc'
1206 0 0 if $ext eq '.xls'
1208 0 0 if $ext eq '.ppt'
1210 0 0 if $ext eq '.jpg' or $ext eq '.jpeg'
1212 0 0 if $ext eq '.gif'
1214 0 0 if $ext eq '.png'
1216 0 0 if $ext eq '.txt'
1218 0 0 if $ext eq '.html' or $ext eq '.htm'
1263 0 0 if $controller or $path
1330 0 0 unless $path
1333 0 0 $$self{'store'}{'application'}{'url'}{'root'} =~ m[/$] ? :
1383 3 0 $path ? :
1413 0 0 ref $$self{'store'}{'application'}{'cookie_data'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1467 0 0 if lc $type eq 'info'
1468 0 0 if lc $type eq 'warn'
1469 0 0 if lc $type eq 'error'
1470 0 0 if lc $type eq 'success'
1473 0 0 if (lc $type ne 'info' and lc $type ne 'warn' and lc $type ne 'error' and lc $type ne 'success' and ($type and not $store and not $message))
1481 0 0 if (lc $type eq 'info' || lc $type eq 'warn' || lc $type eq 'error' || lc $type eq 'success' and ($type and $store and not $message))
1487 0 0 if (defined $message) { }
1491 0 0 if ($message ne '' and $last_message)
1493 0 0 if ($last_message)
1494 0 0 if (ref $last_message eq 'ARRAY') { }
1507 0 0 $message eq '' ? :
1552 4 0 if ($file)
1553 3 1 if (grep {/^(\<|\>|\>\>)$/;} $op) { }
1 0 elsif ($op eq 'x') { }
1554 1 2 if ($op =~ /\>/) { }
1555 0 1 if $content[0] =~ /^\d{3,4}$/
1556 0 1 if ($bmsk) { }
1557 0 0 !($bmsk =~ /^\d{4}$/) ? :
1568 1 4 unless -d join('/', @dirs)
1572 1 0 @path ? :
0 1 unless open my $in, $op, @path ? join('/', @path) . '/' . $file : $file
1580 2 0 if (-e $file)
1581 0 2 unless open my $out, $op, $file
1590 1 0 if (-e $file)
1636 0 0 unless ($filename)
1637 0 0 $self->param($upload_field) =~ /([\w\.]+)$/ ? :
1642 0 0 unless $location
1643 0 0 if (not -e "$location/$filename") { }
1692 0 0 if (@html) { }
1695 0 0 $$self{'store'}{'application'}{'html_content'} ? :
1702 0 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'html_content'})
1743 18 18 if (@debug) { }
1746 0 18 $$self{'store'}{'application'}{'debug_content'} ? :
1758 18 0 if ($$self{'store'}{'application'}{'debug_content'})
1807 18 0 if ($what eq 'debug') { }
1808 18 0 if ($where eq 'cli') { }
1810 18 0 $input ? :
1811 0 18 defined $using ? :
1817 0 0 $input ? :
1818 0 0 defined $using ? :
1825 0 0 if ($where eq 'cli') { }
1827 0 0 $input ? :
1828 0 0 defined $using ? :
1834 0 0 $input ? :
1835 0 0 defined $using ? :
1882 54 0 if ($name and $init)
1886 54 0 if (ref $init eq 'CODE') { }
1888 36 94 unless $$self{".$name"}
1894 0 0 unless $$self{".$name"}
1976 0 20 if $url =~ m[/$] and length $url > 1
2019 0 18 if ($value)
2020 0 0 if $type eq 'get' or $type eq 'post'
2022 0 0 if $type eq 'session'
2026 0 18 if ($name and $type) { }
18 0 elsif ($name and not $type) { }
2028 0 0 $type eq 'session' ? :
0 0 $type eq 'post' ? :
0 0 $type eq 'get' ? :
2034 0 18 if $self->cgi->url_param($name)
2035 18 0 if $self->cgi->param($name)
2036 0 0 if $self->session->param($name)
2037 0 0 if defined $self->application->{'action_params'}{$self->controller}{$name}