Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 26 65.3

line true false branch
17 1 1 if (defined $name and length $name)
19 0 1 if defined &{"${pack}::$name";}
28 2 0 if (exists $$names{$caller[0]})
29 2 0 if length $$names{$caller[0]}
32 0 2 if @_ > 1
33 0 2 unless (defined wantarray)
38 1 1 unless defined $query
50 24 0 unless (exists $self->{'seen_paths'}{$abs})
57 4 20 if (-f (my $file = 'File::Spec'->catfile($inc_dir, @members) . '.pm'))
60 4 0 unless $file eq $caller
62 0 24 if @{$self->{'list'};} and not wantarray
63 4 20 if (-d (my $path = 'File::Spec'->catfile($inc_dir, @members)))
97 0 24 unless $file =~ /(\.pm)$/i and -f $file and my $extension = $1