Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 66 69.7

line true false branch
109 2053 218 if ($self->has_max_args and $self->max_args == 0) { }
0 218 elsif ($self->min_args == 0 and $self->max_args == 1) { }
0 218 elsif ($self->min_args == 1 and $self->max_args == 1) { }
0 218 elsif ($self->min_args > 0 and $self->max_args > 0) { }
0 218 elsif ($self->max_args > 0) { }
129 0 1389 if ($self->has_max_args and @curried > $self->max_args)
139 1175 214 $self->has_max_args ? :
1304 85 $self->has_min_args ? :
1175 214 $self->signature ? :
157 824 553 if ref $av
164 168 385 if ($ti and $ti->{'trust_mutated'} eq "always")
167 150 235 if ($ti and $ti->{'trust_mutated'} eq "maybe")
171 553 0 if $av eq "no incoming values"
178 5608 2830 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
185 1 4218 if (ref $method_name eq 'CODE') { }
192 18 4200 if ($method_name =~ /\s*\.\.\.$/)
196 0 4218 if ($method_name =~ /^\~\s*/)
200 3 4215 if ($method_name =~ /^(.+?)\s*\-\>\s*(.+?)$/)
206 4218 1 unless ($handler)
208 0 4218 $trait =~ /:/ ? :
211 4218 0 if ($class ne $trait)
213 0 4218 unless eval "require $class; 1"
216 4217 1 if ($class->isa("Sub::HandlesVia::HandlerLibrary") and $class->has_handler($method_name))
222 1 4218 unless ($handler)
226 1389 2830 if @curry
227 0 4219 if $make_loose
228 18 4201 if $make_chainable
235 0 4219 unless my $gen = $arg{'code_generator'}
244 0 0 unless my $gen = $arg{'code_generator'}
248 0 0 if ($arg{'method_name'})
251 0 0 if (eval {
268 0 4374 @_ % 2 ? :
312 0 2 unless $_[1]{'delegated_coderef'}