Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 32 78.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
499 0 47 2 $index_path and not $index_path =~ m[^/]
561 0 46 2 $self->index and not exists $seen_paths{'/index.html'}
634 8203 175 629 $is_index and $index_orig_path
8378 611 18 $is_index and $index_orig_path and not $url =~ m[^([A-Za-z]+:|/)]
641 0 6422 338 $index_root and $url =~ m[^$index_root(?:/index[.]html)?$]
770 5648 2563 710 $self->_write_deploy && $self->_write_deploy->base_url
810 96 0 757 $parts[0] eq 'layout' and $parts[1] eq 'default.html'
96 0 757 $parts[0] eq 'layout' and $parts[1] eq 'default.html' and not $self->theme->store->path->child(@parts)->is_file
0 755 2 $parts[0] eq 'layout' and $parts[1] eq 'default.html' and not $self->theme->store->path->child(@parts)->is_file and $self->theme->store->path->child('site', 'layout.html.ep')->is_file

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
577 1 3 $PAGE_PRIORITY{ref $seen_apps{$_}} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
613 3 11 0 $self->_write_deploy->base_url || $base_url