Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
71 0 0 if $k < 2
72 0 0 if $options and ref $options ne 'HASH'
86 0 0 defined $options && exists $$options{'standardise'} ? :
87 0 0 exists $$options{'divisor'} ? :
105 0 0 if &_p_notall($p_check, \@p)
116 0 0 if $_ != $p_check
133 0 0 if not $lol or ref $lol ne 'ARRAY'
134 0 0 if $h_ref and ref $h_ref ne 'HASH'
135 0 0 if &_check($lol)
137 0 0 exists $$h_ref{'standardise'} ? :
138 0 0 exists $$h_ref{'divisor'} ? :
159 0 0 if scalar @{$r;} != $l_check
162 0 0 unless $cell =~ /\A[+-]?\ *(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?\z/msx
225 0 0 unless $stand =~ /\A[01]\z/msx
234 0 0 $stand == 1 ? :
245 0 0 unless $div =~ /\A[01]\z/msx
257 0 0 $div == 1 ? :