Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 125 180 69.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
230 2501 1684 0 $seen_dot || $char =~ /[#0\+\-\.\?eE\,\%]/ and $char =~ /[#0\+\-\?eE\,\%]/
263 0 4075 22 defined $double_quote and $double_quote
0 4031 44 defined $single_quote and $single_quote
3191 831 9 $seen_dot and $char eq '.'
1946 722 0 $format_mode ne 'date' and $char eq '-' || $char eq '(' || $char eq ')'
268 65 10 0 $format_mode ne 'date' and substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\201\242" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\201\243" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\242\244" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\242\245"
336 0 0 0 $is_fraction and substr($format, $pos, 1) =~ /[0-9]/
443 626 15 393 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' and @placeholders
641 393 0 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' and @placeholders and $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'h' || $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'hh'
458 811 0 223 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'ss' and @placeholders > 1
476 61 11 17 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'm' and @placeholders
72 17 0 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'm' and @placeholders and $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'h' || $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'hh'
491 89 0 0 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 's' and @placeholders > 1
548 369 0 413 $format_mode eq 'date' and $number =~ /$qrNUMBER/
251 0 118 $format_mode eq 'number' and $number =~ /$qrNUMBER/
1060 294836 98229 0 $iYear % 4 == 0 && ($iYear % 100 || $iYear % 400 == 0)
1157 620552 206723 0 $iYear % 4 == 0 && ($iYear % 100 || $iYear % 400 == 0)
1165 2232 173 166 $iMon == 2 and $iYear % 4 == 0
1275 0 0 0 $1 and $2
1312 0 0 0 $1 and $2

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
102 58 44 6563 $double_quote or $single_quote
230 850 0 3335 $seen_dot || $char =~ /[#0\+\-\.\?eE\,\%]/
263 22 0 4075 defined $double_quote and $double_quote or defined $single_quote and $single_quote
44 0 4031 defined $double_quote and $double_quote or defined $single_quote and $single_quote or $seen_dot and $char eq '.'
0 0 722 $char eq '-' || $char eq '(' || $char eq ')'
1354 0 2668 $char =~ /[#0\+\.\?eE\,\%]/ or $format_mode ne 'date' and $char eq '-' || $char eq '(' || $char eq ')'
268 0 0 10 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\201\242" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\201\243" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\242\244" || substr($format, $pos, 2) eq "\242\245"
375 0 0 0 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq '(' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq ')'
405 14 9 1371 substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'mmmm' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'dddd'
23 196 1175 substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'mmmm' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'dddd' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'yyyy'
205 4 1171 substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'mmmm' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'dddd' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'yyyy' or substr($format, $pos, 4) eq 'ggge'
14 34 1123 substr($format, $pos, 3) eq 'ddd' or substr($format, $pos, 3) eq 'mmm'
48 0 1123 substr($format, $pos, 3) eq 'ddd' or substr($format, $pos, 3) eq 'mmm' or substr($format, $pos, 3) eq 'yyy'
12 408 703 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'yy' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm'
420 182 521 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'yy' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'dd'
590 205 316 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'yy' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'dd' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'hh'
387 223 93 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'yy' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'dd' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'hh' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'ss'
428 4 89 substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'yy' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'mm' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'dd' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'hh' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'ss' or substr($format, $pos, 2) eq 'ge'
28 45 16 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'm' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'd'
73 16 0 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'm' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'd' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'h'
61 0 0 substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'm' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'd' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 'h' or substr($format, $pos, 1) eq 's'
443 16 205 172 $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'h' || $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'hh'
461 0 223 0 $placeholders[-2][0] eq 'm' or $placeholders[-2][0] eq 'mm'
476 0 0 17 $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'h' || $placeholders[-1][0] eq 'hh'
494 0 0 0 $placeholders[-2][0] eq 'm' or $placeholders[-2][0] eq 'mm'
558 1 3 409 $number < $min_date or $number >= $max_date
772 2 0 464 $token eq 'E' or $token eq 'e'
833 0 0 265 $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\244" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\245"
0 0 265 $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\244" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\245" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\201\242"
0 0 265 $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\244" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\242\245" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\201\242" or $$placeholder[0] eq "\201\243"
0 0 265 $$placeholder[0] eq '(' or $$placeholder[0] eq ')'
1105 89 73 380 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3
162 58 322 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3 or $iM == 5
131 42 280 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3 or $iM == 5 or $iM == 7
100 34 246 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3 or $iM == 5 or $iM == 7 or $iM == 8
76 16 230 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3 or $iM == 5 or $iM == 7 or $iM == 8 or $iM == 10
50 0 230 $iM == 1 or $iM == 3 or $iM == 5 or $iM == 7 or $iM == 8 or $iM == 10 or $iM == 12
65 50 115 $iM == 4 or $iM == 6
115 26 89 $iM == 4 or $iM == 6 or $iM == 9
76 8 81 $iM == 4 or $iM == 6 or $iM == 9 or $iM == 11