Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 38 94.7

line true false branch
49 1000 1300 if ($attr->{'lazy'} and my $builder = $attr->{'builder'}) { }
65 0 1000 $attr->{'weak_ref'} ? :
88 1716 584 unless $attr->{'predicate'}
110 58 174 unless my($type) = $sub =~ /^is_(.+)$/
125 91 116 if defined &{$parent . '::BUILD';}
136 120 87 if (Role::Tiny::does_role($class, $role))
172 491 1809 defined $attr->{'init_arg'} ? :
174 480 1820 if ($attr->{'required'})
182 160 2140 if ($attr->{'builder'} and not $attr->{'lazy'})
189 1804 496 if ($attr->{'isa'})
191 1622 182 if ($TypeChecks{$attr->{'isa'}}) { }
215 231 2069 if ($attr->{'does'})
229 29 2271 if ($attr->{'weak_ref'})
269 0 3091 if $e
325 9159 90463 if ($special{$key})
333 474 89989 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' and &all(sub {
348 473 15781 $BuiltinTypes{$ref} ? :
18777 16254 $ref eq 'CODE' ? :
54958 35031 !$ref ? :