Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 45 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
57 0 0 0 not $share_roots and $FindBin::Bin
59 0 0 0 -d $_ and -x _
62 0 0 0 do { not %$share_roots } && do { $self->err('No shares to manage, specify non-empty share_roots hash') }
130 0 0 0 $tid || exists $command->{'fid'} and not $tree
150 0 0 0 defined $auth_completed and not $auth_completed
173 0 0 0 $file->exists and $disposition == 1
174 0 0 0 $command->requested_directory and not $file->is_directory
0 0 0 $command->requested_non_directory and $file->is_directory

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
207 0 0 $rename_info->{'new_name'} // die()
208 0 0 $rename_info->{'replace'} // die()
252 0 0 $socket->accept || (next)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
37 0 0 0 $port or $fifo_filename
47 0 0 0 $options{'passwd_filename'} //= "$FindBin::Bin/../conf/passwd.txt"
130 0 0 0 $tid || exists $command->{'fid'}
150 0 0 0 not $command->security_buffer or defined $auth_completed and not $auth_completed
157 0 0 0 $tree_root or $share eq 'IPC$'