Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 44 40.9

line true false branch
33 0 3779 if (@_)
53 0 344 if ($arg =~ /^-?-force$/) { }
232 112 elsif ($arg =~ /^:(.+)/) { }
0 112 elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { }
59 0 232 unless my $symbols = $class->export_tag($1)
80 0 2831 unless my $code = $class->can($symbol)
83 2831 0 defined prototype $code && !length(prototype $code) ? :
92 299 0 if ($existing_code and not $force and $is_constant && $existing_code eq \&{"${target_class}::$import_as";} || !$is_constant && $existing_code)
96 299 0 if $Imported{$target_class}{$import_as}
104 2532 0 if (my $hooks = $class->pre_import_hooks($symbol))
117 0 0 if ($error)
125 2532 0 if ($is_constant) { }
128 0 2532 if $Debug
134 0 0 if $Debug
146 0 232 if (index($tag, ":") == 0)
151 0 0 if (@_ and @_ > 1 || (ref $_[0] || '') ne 'ARRAY')
159 0 232 unless $ret
161 0 232 wantarray ? :
188 0 0 if (@_ and @_ > 1 || ref $_[0] && !((ref $_[0] || '') =~ /\A(?:ARRAY|CODE)\z/))
195 0 2532 if (@_)
197 0 0 unless (ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY")
205 0 2532 wantarray ? :