Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 140 16.4

line true false branch
38 1 0 if ($$settings{'inst_type'}{'inst_type'} eq 'nfs') { }
0 0 elsif ($$settings{'inst_type'}{'inst_type'} eq 'cdrom') { }
40 1 0 if $$settings{'inst_type'}{'nfsserver'}
47 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'rootpw'})
49 0 0 if $$settings{'rootpw'}{'iscrypted'}
55 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'auth'}{'useshadow'} or exists $$settings{'auth'}{'enablemd5'} or exists $$settings{'auth'}{'enablenis'})
60 0 0 if (exists $$settings{'auth'}{'enablenis'})
64 0 0 if exists $$settings{'auth'}{'useshadow'}
65 0 0 if exists $$settings{'auth'}{'enablemd5'}
66 0 0 if (exists $$settings{'auth'}{'enableldap'} and $version >= 700)
68 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'enableldapauth'}
70 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'ldapserver'}
72 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'ldapbasedn'}
75 0 0 if ($$settings{'auth'}{'enablekrb5'} and $version >= 700)
77 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'krb5realm'}
82 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'krb5kdc0'}
85 0 0 if ($$settings{'auth'}{'enablehesiod'} and $version >= 700)
87 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'hesiodlhs'}
89 0 0 if $$settings{'auth'}{'hesiodrhs'}
96 0 1 if (exists $$self{'settings'}{'device'})
99 0 0 unless $$_{'type'} eq 'scsi' or $$_{'type'} eq 'eth'
101 0 0 if exists $$_{'opts'}
107 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'driverdisk'} and $version >= 623)
113 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'lilo'})
115 0 0 if exists $$settings{'lilo'}{'append'}
117 0 0 if $$settings{'lilo'}{'location'}
122 0 1 if exists $$settings{'lilocheck'} and $version >= 623
125 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'timezone'}{'timezone'})
127 0 0 if exists $$settings{'timezone'}{'utc'}
134 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'xconfig'}) { }
136 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'noprobe'} and $version >= 623
138 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'server'}
140 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'card'}
142 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'monitor'}
144 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'hsync'}
146 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'vsync'}
148 0 0 if exists $$settings{'xconfig'}{'startxonboot'} and $version >= 623
155 0 1 if exists $$settings{'skipx'}{'skipx'} and $version >= 623
159 1 0 unless exists $$settings{'install'}{'install'} and $$settings{'install'}{'install'} eq 'upgrade'
163 0 1 if (exists $$settings{'network'})
165 0 0 if $$settings{'network'}{'network'}
169 0 0 if ($$settings{'network'}{'bootproto'} ne 'static') { }
173 0 0 if exists $$settings{'network'}{'ip'}
175 0 0 if exists $$settings{'network'}{'netmask'}
177 0 0 if exists $$settings{'network'}{'gateway'}
179 0 0 if exists $$settings{'network'}{'nameserver'}
181 0 0 if exists $$settings{'network'}{'hostname'}
187 0 1 if exists $$settings{'lang'}{'lang'}
190 0 1 if exists $$settings{'keyboard'}{'keyboard'}
193 0 1 if exists $$settings{'zerombr'}{'zerombr'}
196 0 1 if ($$settings{'mouse'})
198 0 0 if ($version >= 623) { }
199 0 0 if exists $$settings{'mouse'}{'device'}
201 0 0 if exists $$settings{'mouse'}{'emulthree'}
209 0 1 if exists $$settings{'reboot'}{'reboot'} and $version > 623
212 1 0 if ($$settings{'install'} ne 'upgrade')
214 0 1 if $$settings{'clearpart'}{'clearpart'}
220 0 0 unless $$_{'size'}
222 0 0 if $$_{'type'} eq 'swap'
226 0 0 if exists $$_{'grow'}
228 0 0 if exists $$_{'ondisk'} and $$_{'ondisk'} ne 'logical'
233 0 1 if (exists $$self{'settings'}{'raid'})
237 0 0 if exists $$_{'level'}
239 0 0 if exists $$_{'device'}
250 0 0 if $$self{'settings'}{'package'}{$_} eq 'on'
257 0 0 $$self{'settings'}{'service'}{$_} eq 'on' ? :
263 0 1 if (exists $$self{'settings'}{'pre'})
265 0 0 if (ref $$self{'settings'}{'pre'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
272 0 1 if (exists $$self{'settings'}{'post'})
274 0 0 if (ref $$self{'settings'}{'post'} eq 'ARRAY') { }