Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 122 51.6

line true false branch
69 0 0 if ($subexpression->{'children'}[0]->isa('RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator'))
70 0 0 if ($subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]->isa('RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Arithmetic::AddSubtract'))
71 0 0 if (exists $subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[1] and $subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[1] =~ /^-\s*$/msx)
74 0 0 if ($subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[2]->isa('RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal'))
75 0 0 if ($subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[2]{'children'}[0]->isa('RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::Number'))
78 0 0 if ($subexpression->{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[2]{'children'}[0]{'children'}[0] eq '1') { }
94 0 0 if ($nested_parenthesis)
103 0 0 if ($is_modified)
104 0 0 if ($nested_parenthesis) { }
130 129 58 if (exists $$rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL{$return_type . '::'}) { }
136 33 25 if ($pointerify_classes)
137 0 33 if ($return_type =~ /_raw$/) { }
6 27 elsif (not $return_type =~ /_arrayref$/ || $return_type =~ /_hashref$/) { }
155 0 0 if ($source_group->{$suffix_key} =~ /__DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE/msx)
179 0 638 unless (-e $file_name_reference and -f $file_name_reference and -T $file_name_reference)
183 0 638 unless open my filehandleref $FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE, '<', $file_name_reference
193 3144 11534 if ($file_line =~ /^\s*$/msx)
202 0 638 unless close $FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE
214 622 16 if ($suffix_key eq 'PMC' or $modes->{'ops'} eq 'PERL' and $suffix_key eq 'EXE') { }
16 0 elsif ($suffix_key eq 'H' or $suffix_key eq 'CPP' or $modes->{'ops'} eq 'CPP' and $suffix_key eq 'EXE') { }
227 0 622 if ($perltidy_errored) { }
0 622 elsif ($perltidy_stderr_string) { }
242 0 622 if ($perltidy_errored) { }
0 622 elsif ($perltidy_stderr_string) { }
264 0 16 unless print {$FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE_TMP;} $string_reference
265 0 16 unless close $FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE_TMP
268 16 0 if (defined $astyle_path) { }
275 16 0 if (-e $file_name_reference_tmp . '.orig' and -f $file_name_reference_tmp . '.orig')
276 0 16 unless unlink $file_name_reference_tmp . '.orig'
285 0 16 unless (-e $file_name_reference_tmp and -f $file_name_reference_tmp and -T $file_name_reference_tmp)
289 0 16 unless open $FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE_TMP, '<', $file_name_reference_tmp
298 0 16 unless close $FILE_HANDLE_REFERENCE_TMP
312 0 16 unless print {$FILE_HANDLE_GENERATED_TMP;} $string_generated
313 0 16 unless close $FILE_HANDLE_GENERATED_TMP
316 16 0 if (defined $astyle_path) { }
323 16 0 if (-e $file_name_generated_tmp . '.orig' and -f $file_name_generated_tmp . '.orig')
324 0 16 unless unlink $file_name_generated_tmp . '.orig'
333 0 16 unless (-e $file_name_generated_tmp and -f $file_name_generated_tmp and -T $file_name_generated_tmp)
337 0 16 unless open $FILE_HANDLE_GENERATED_TMP, '<', $file_name_generated_tmp
346 0 16 unless close $FILE_HANDLE_GENERATED_TMP
375 0 8688 if ($line_generated =~ /__DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE/msx)
385 0 8688 if ($line_reference ne $line_generated)
409 0 687 unless (defined $modes->{'types'})
412 0 687 unless ($modes->{'types'} eq 'PERL')
436 0 39 unless (defined $modes->{'types'})
439 0 39 unless ($modes->{'types'} eq 'PERL' or $modes->{'types'} eq 'CPP')
448 0 39 if ($modes->{'types'} eq 'PERL') { }
470 30102 0 if (defined $rperl_source_group_2->{$suffix_key})
472 30098 4 if ($type_2 eq '')
473 29244 858 if (exists $rperl_source_group_1->{$suffix_key} and defined $rperl_source_group_1->{$suffix_key}) { }
476 29244 0 if ($type_1 eq '')
477 0 29244 if ($type_1 ne $type_2)
487 858 29244 unless (defined $type_1)
488 0 858 if ($type_2 eq 'ARRAY') { }
4 854 elsif ($type_2 eq 'HASH') { }
498 0 30102 if ($type_2 eq 'ARRAY') { }
4 30098 elsif ($type_2 eq 'HASH') { }
505 464 29634 if ($suffix_key eq '_package_name' or $suffix_key eq '_package_name_underscores') { }
522 725 1 if (exists &CompileUnit_5::ast_to_rperl__generate and defined &CompileUnit_5::ast_to_rperl__generate)
543 0 168 if (not defined $eval_retval or $RPerl::Generator::EVAL_ERROR ne '')
565 0 168 if (not defined $eval_retval or $RPerl::Generator::EVAL_ERROR ne '')