Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 54 68.5

line true false branch
28 148 4 exists $child->{'runtime'} ? :
29 151 1 exists $child->{'id'} ? :
32 0 152 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
0 152 elsif (WIFSTOPPED($status)) { }
4 148 elsif (WIFSIGNALED($status)) { }
14 134 elsif (WIFEXITED($status) and $rc) { }
44 45 107 if $self->{'trace_cb'}
51 585 50 $opts{'nonblock'} ? :
61 392 152 if ($res == 0) { }
0 152 elsif ($res < 0) { }
70 0 392 if ($waittime > 2 and $child->{'state'} ne 'kill' and $^O ne 'MSWin32') { }
0 784 elsif ($waittime > 1 and $child->{'state'} ne 'term') { }
80 0 0 if $flags == 0 and $!{'EINTR'}
81 0 0 unless $^O eq "MSWin32"
110 0 0 if ($child->{'state'} ne "term")
122 0 96 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
125 4 0 if ($child->{'state'} ne "kill")
158 0 165 unless shutdown $child->{'reader'}, 2
159 0 165 unless close $child->{'reader'}
170 193 2 defined $msg_id ? :
171 189 6 defined $msg_vci ? :
176 0 195 unless socketpair my $rd, my $wr, 1, 1, 0
179 0 195 unless defined $pid
181 176 19 if ($pid != 0)
183 51 125 if $self->{'trace_cb'}
210 140 644 unless (keys %{$$self{"jobs"};} < $self->{'max_async'})
228 1 48 if (@msgs)