Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 80 51.2

line true false branch
67 0 133 unless &blessed($nodeb)
68 0 133 if $nodeb->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Nil')
69 1 132 if $nodeb->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Blank')
70 0 132 if $nodeb->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Resource')
71 0 132 unless $nodeb->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal')
79 7 125 if ($datecmp)
83 7 0 if ($datea and $dateb)
85 7 0 unless $@
89 50 75 if ($numericcmp)
91 13 37 if $nodea->equal($nodeb)
98 0 75 if ($nodea->has_language and $nodeb->has_language) { }
0 75 elsif ($nodea->has_datatype and $dta eq '' or $nodeb->has_datatype and $dtb eq '') { }
0 75 elsif ($nodea->has_datatype and $nodeb->has_datatype) { }
3 72 elsif ($nodea->has_language or $nodeb->has_language) { }
1 71 elsif ($nodea->has_datatype or $nodeb->has_datatype) { }
103 0 0 if ($LAZY_COMPARISONS and $lc != 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($lc == 0) { }
0 0 &blessed($b) && $b->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') ? :
125 0 0 if ($nb->has_language) { }
0 0 elsif (not $nb->has_datatype or $nb->literal_datatype eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($LAZY_COMPARISONS) { }
142 0 0 if ($op eq '!=') { }
145 0 0 if ($LAZY_COMPARISONS) { }
0 0 elsif ($dc == 0) { }
158 1 2 $nodea->has_language ? :
163 0 1 if ($LAZY_COMPARISONS) { }
164 0 0 $nodea->has_datatype ? :
189 1 13 if (exists $INSIDE_OUT_DATES{$addr}) { }
208 7 55 if ($self->is_numeric_type) { }
228 0 0 if $self->has_language
229 0 0 if $self->has_datatype
252 163 523 unless $self->has_datatype
254 388 135 if ($type =~ qr"^|decimal|float|double|non(Positive|Negative)Integer|(positive|negative)Integer|long|int|short|byte|unsigned(Long|Int|Short|Byte))") { }
269 175 4 if ($self->is_numeric_type) { }
1 3 elsif (not $self->has_datatype) { }
3 0 elsif ($self->literal_datatype eq '') { }
271 175 0 if (&looks_like_number($value)) { }
278 1 0 if (&looks_like_number(scalar $self->literal_value)) { }
284 2 1 $self->literal_value eq 'true' ? :