Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 200 0.0

line true false branch
33 0 0 unless my $dir = eval { do { &$sub() } }
35 0 0 if -d $dir and -w $dir
42 0 0 unless my $dir = $self->_perldocjp_dir
48 0 0 if ($self->opt_J or $$pages[0] and $$pages[0] =~ /^https?:/)
56 0 0 $page =~ /^https?:/ ? :
58 0 0 unless ($file->exists and $file->stat->size and $file->stat->mtime > time - 86400)
60 0 0 if ($$res{'success'} and not +(my $pod = $file->slurp) =~ /^=encoding\s/m)
66 0 0 if (ref $enc) { }
0 0 elsif (my $ctype = $$res{'headers'}{'content-type'}) { }
72 0 0 if ($encoding)
78 0 0 if $file->stat->size
80 0 0 if @found
85 0 0 if ($self->opt_J)
88 0 0 unless ($pod =~ /^=encoding\s/m)
91 0 0 if (ref $enc)
93 0 0 if $encoding eq 'ascii'
97 0 0 if $file->stat->size
110 0 0 unless defined $rest and length $rest
111 0 0 if ($rest =~ /^(\w+)$/s) { }
165 0 0 if $self->opt_a
167 0 0 if $self->opt_f
169 0 0 if $self->opt_v
171 0 0 if $self->opt_q
173 0 0 if (not $self->opt_f || $self->opt_q || $self->opt_v || $self->opt_a) { }
0 0 elsif (@dynamic_pod) { }
178 0 0 if ($] >= 5.008 and $self->opt_L)
189 0 0 if $in_list
190 0 0 unless print $buffd map({encode_utf8 $_;} @dynamic_pod)
191 0 0 if $in_list
193 0 0 unless close $buffd
215 0 0 unless open PFUNC, '<', $perlfunc
219 0 0 $self->opt_f =~ /^-[rwxoRWXOeszfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]$/ ? :
228 0 0 if ($self->opt_L and defined $$self{'translators'}[0])
230 0 0 if $tr->can('search_perlfunc_re')
231 0 0 if ($] < 5.008) { }
244 0 0 if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/)
247 0 0 if /^=head2 $re/
259 0 0 if grep {$self->opt_f eq $_;} @perlops
261 0 0 if (/^=over/ and not $found) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=back/ and not $found and $inlist) { }
269 0 0 if (/^=item\s+$search_re\b/ and $inlist < 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@related > 1 and /^=item/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=item/) { }
0 0 elsif ($found and /^X<[^>]+>/) { }
274 0 0 if (/^=item\s+(?:$related_re)\b/) { }
278 0 0 if $found > 1 and $inlist < 2
282 0 0 if $found > 1 and $inlist < 2
287 0 0 unless $found
288 0 0 if (/^=over/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=back/) { }
296 0 0 if /^\w/
299 0 0 unless (@$pod)
303 0 0 unless (@$pod)
309 0 0 unless close PFUNC
319 0 0 unless ($opt =~ /^ (?: [\@\%\$]\S+ | [A-Z]\w* ) $/x)
326 0 0 unless open PVAR, '<', $perlvar
329 0 0 if ($opt ne '$0' and $opt =~ /^\$\d+$/)
342 0 0 if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/)
345 0 0 if /^=over 8/
353 0 0 if /^=head2 Error Indicators/
355 0 0 if (/^=item\s+$search_re\s/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=item/) { }
0 0 elsif (not /^\s+$/) { }
359 0 0 if $found and not $inheader and not $inlist
362 0 0 if ($found) { }
372 0 0 if (/^=over/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=back/) { }
376 0 0 if $found and not $inheader and not $inlist
383 0 0 unless $found
384 0 0 unless (@$pod)
387 0 0 unless close PVAR
399 0 0 unless my $rx = eval { do { qr/$search_key/ } }
409 0 0 if $file =~ /[<>|]/
410 0 0 unless open INFAQ, '<', $file
415 0 0 if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/)
418 0 0 if (/^=head2\s+.*(?:$search_key)/i) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=head[12]/) { }
420 0 0 unless $found_in{$file}++
425 0 0 unless $found
431 0 0 unless @$pod
434 0 0 if ($self->opt_l)
446 0 0 unless open PAPI, '<', $perlapi
455 0 0 if ($self->opt_L and defined $$self{'translators'}[0])
457 0 0 if ($] < 5.008) { }
469 0 0 if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/)
472 0 0 if /^=over 8/
482 0 0 if (/^=item\s+$search_re\b/) { }
0 0 elsif (@related > 1 and /^=item/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=item/) { }
0 0 elsif ($found and /^X<[^>]+>/) { }
487 0 0 if (/^=item\s+(?:$related_re)\b/) { }
495 0 0 if $found > 1 and not $inlist
500 0 0 unless $found
501 0 0 if (/^=over/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=back/) { }
505 0 0 if $found > 1 and not $inlist
509 0 0 if /^\w/
512 0 0 unless (@$pod)
518 0 0 unless close PAPI
526 0 0 if @_