Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 81 134 60.4

line true false branch
35 0 12 if ($] < "5.006")
130 12 0 unless defined $self->{'alt'}
131 12 0 unless defined $self->{'indent'}
132 12 0 unless defined $self->{'loose'}
133 12 0 unless defined $self->{'sentence'}
134 12 0 unless defined $self->{'width'}
154 9 51 if $command eq "pod"
155 0 51 if $self->{'EXCLUDE'} and $command ne "end"
156 2 49 if (defined $self->{'ITEM'})
159 1 1 if $command eq "back"
170 0 5 if $self->{'EXCLUDE'}
171 0 5 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
173 3 2 if /^\s*$/
182 3 78 if $self->{'EXCLUDE'}
183 4 74 if ($self->{'VERBATIM'})
222 0 0 if @items > 2 and $i != $#items
223 0 0 if $i == $#items - 1
232 13 61 if (defined $self->{'ITEM'}) { }
247 0 107 if $command eq "X" or $command eq "Z"
250 10 97 if ($command eq "E")
251 10 0 if defined $Pod::PlainText::ESCAPES{$_}
257 1 96 if $_ eq ""
261 3 93 if ($command eq "S")
268 28 65 if ($command eq 'B') { }
26 39 elsif ($command eq 'C') { }
2 37 elsif ($command eq 'F') { }
14 23 elsif ($command eq 'I') { }
23 0 elsif ($command eq 'L') { }
298 0 16 if ($self->{'alt'}) { }
301 0 16 if $self->{'loose'}
312 0 0 if ($self->{'alt'}) { }
315 0 0 if $self->{'loose'}
326 0 0 if ($self->{'alt'}) { }
329 0 0 if $self->{'loose'}
342 0 7 unless (/^[-+]?\d+\s+$/)
351 0 7 unless (defined $self->{'MARGIN'})
360 0 15 if (defined $self->{'ITEM'})
371 0 2 unless my($kind) = /^(\S+)/
372 1 1 if ($kind eq 'text') { }
393 1 1 unless s/^text\b[ \t]*\r?\n?//
408 0 28 $_[0]{'alt'} ? :
409 0 26 $_[0]{'alt'} ? :
410 0 2 $_[0]{'alt'} ? :
424 9 14 if (/^([^|]+)\|/)
435 1 13 if (/^(?:https?|ftp|news):/) { }
1 12 elsif (/^"\s*(.*?)\s*"$/) { }
2 10 elsif (/^[-:.\w]+(?:\(\S+\))?$/) { }
10 0 elsif (m[/]) { }
448 2 11 if (not length $section) { }
8 3 elsif ($section =~ /^[:\w]+(?:\(\))?/) { }
449 2 0 if length $manpage
452 8 0 length $manpage ? :
458 2 1 if length $manpage
479 0 15 unless (defined $tag)
485 0 15 unless (defined $indent)
487 0 15 if $self->{'alt'}
488 5 10 if (not $_ or /^\s+$/ or $self->{'MARGIN'} - $indent < length($tag) + 1) { }
495 3 2 if /\S/
498 0 10 if $self->{'alt'} and $indent > 0
500 0 10 unless s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/
521 49 0 if (s/^([^\r\n]{0,$width})\s+// or s/^([^\r\n]{$width})//) { }
540 0 79 if ($self->{'sentence'}) { }
569 0 0 if ($flag eq '-a') { }
0 0 elsif ($flag =~ /^-(\d+)$/) { }
584 0 0 if (defined $_[1]) { }
586 0 0 if ($] < "5.006")
589 0 0 unless (open $infh, $_[0])