Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 431 550 78.3

line true false branch
122 0 529 if (${$dataref;}[$i] =~ /^\s+$/lm and not $$dataref[$i] =~ /^\s/l)
137 0 19 if defined &Dos::UseLFN and Dos::UseLFN()
147 19 0 if defined $Backlink
151 19 0 if (not @ARGV && $ARGV[0]) { }
152 0 19 unless $Podfile
153 0 19 unless open POD, "<$Podfile"
159 0 19 unless $Htmlfile
160 17 2 if $Htmlroot eq '/'
162 1 16 if ($Htmlroot eq '' and defined $Htmldir and $Htmldir ne '' and substr($Htmlfile, 0, length $Htmldir) eq $Htmldir)
176 0 19 if $Verbose
183 1 498 if (/\r/l)
184 1 0 if (/\r\n/l) { }
187 1 0 /\n\n/l ? :
192 0 0 /\n\n/l ? :
204 2 17 unless ($index)
205 0 2 if $Verbose
209 0 19 unless open HTML, ">$Htmlfile"
213 18 1 if ($Title eq '')
216 15 209 if ($poddata[$i] =~ /^=head1\s*NAME\b/lm)
219 12 18 if ($Title) = $para =~ /(\S+\s+-+.*\S)/ls
226 6 13 if (not $Title and $Podfile =~ /\.pod\z/l)
229 3 69 if ($Title) = $poddata[$i] =~ /^=head[12]\s*(.*)/l
231 0 6 if $Verbose and $Title
234 16 3 if ($Title) { }
237 0 3 unless $Quiet
239 0 3 $Podfile eq '-' ? :
240 0 3 if $Verbose
248 1 18 if ($Css)
256 1 18 $Header ? :
289 16 3 $Doindex && $index ? :
291 2 17 unless ($Doindex)
310 0 19 if $Verbose
314 259 244 if (/^(=.*)/ls) { }
318 10 249 if (/^=begin\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/ils) { }
9 240 elsif (/^=end\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/ils) { }
14 226 elsif (/^=cut/l) { }
5 221 elsif (/^=pod/l) { }
327 0 221 if @Begin_Stack and $Begin_Stack[-1] ne 'html'
329 59 162 if (/^=(head[1-6])\s+(.*\S)/ls) { }
97 65 elsif (/^=item\s*(.*\S)?/lms) { }
27 38 elsif (/^=over\s*(.*)/l) { }
28 10 elsif (/^=back/l) { }
8 2 elsif (/^=for\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/ils) { }
342 0 2 unless $Quiet
349 2 242 if $Pod::Html::Ignore
350 1 241 if @Begin_Stack and $Begin_Stack[-1] ne 'html'
351 12 229 if @Begin_Stack and $Begin_Stack[-1] eq 'html'
355 67 162 if ($ListNewTerm)
360 15 214 if ($text =~ /\A\s+/l) { }
369 4 210 if ($text =~ /\t/l)
371 3 1 if (@lines > 1)
374 3 7 if ($line =~ /\S/l and not $line =~ /\t/l)
376 1 2 if $all == 0
379 2 1 if ($all > 0)
399 1 16 if $Doindex and $index and $Backlink
412 0 19 if $Verbose
419 0 0 if @_
467 0 19 if $Pod::Html::Config{'pod2html'}
490 0 19 unless $result
492 0 19 if defined $opt_help
495 19 0 if defined $opt_podpath
496 1 18 if defined $opt_libpods
498 1 18 if defined $opt_backlink
499 3 16 if defined $opt_cachedir
500 1 18 if defined $opt_css
501 1 18 if defined $opt_header
502 3 16 if defined $opt_htmldir
503 2 17 if defined $opt_htmlroot
504 2 17 if defined $opt_index
505 19 0 if defined $opt_infile
506 0 19 if defined $opt_hiddendirs
507 19 0 if defined $opt_outfile
508 19 0 if defined $opt_podroot
509 3 16 if defined $opt_quiet
510 0 19 if defined $opt_recurse
511 1 18 if defined $opt_title
512 0 19 if defined $opt_verbose
514 0 19 if $opt_verbose and defined $opt_flush
518 1 18 if (defined $opt_flush)
536 15 4 if $Saved_Cache_Key and $this_cache_key eq $Saved_Cache_Key
541 2 2 if (-f $dircache and -f $itemcache)
542 0 2 if $Verbose
548 2 2 unless ($tests)
549 0 2 if $Verbose
573 0 2 unless open CACHE, "<$itemcache"
580 2 0 if join(':', @$podpath) eq $_
585 2 0 if $podroot eq $_
588 0 2 if ($tests != 2)
593 0 2 if $Verbose
600 0 2 if $Verbose
601 0 2 unless open CACHE, "<$dircache"
609 2 0 if join(':', @$podpath) eq $_
614 2 0 if $podroot eq $_
617 0 2 if ($tests != 2)
622 0 2 if $Verbose
643 2 0 unless ($append)
650 0 2 unless chdir $podroot
660 2 2 unless defined $Pages{$libpod} and $Pages{$libpod}
665 1 1 if ($Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*(?
1 0 elsif ($Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pod):/l or $Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pm):/l) { }
668 0 1 unless opendir DIR, $dirname
675 0 1 unless open POD, "<$dirname/$pod"
694 0 1 unless open POD, "<$pod"
702 0 0 unless $Quiet
707 0 2 unless chdir $pwd
711 0 2 if $Verbose
712 0 2 unless open CACHE, ">$Itemcache"
723 0 2 if $Verbose
724 0 2 unless open CACHE, ">$Dircache"
749 0 8 unless opendir DIR, $dir
752 6 110 if (-d "$dir/$_" and $_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..' and $HiddenDirs || !/^\./l) { }
36 74 elsif (/\.pod\z/l) { }
38 36 elsif (/\.html\z/l) { }
2 34 elsif (/\.pm\z/l) { }
18 16 elsif (-T "$dir/$_") { }
755 6 0 unless defined $Pages{$_}
760 28 8 unless defined $Pages{$_}
765 24 14 unless defined $Pages{$_}
769 2 0 unless defined $Pages{$_}
774 18 0 if (open F, "$dir/$_")
777 2 178 if ($line =~ /^=(?:pod|head1)/l)
778 2 0 unless defined $Pages{$_}
790 8 0 if ($recurse)
813 59 444 if ($line =~ /^=(head)([1-6])\s+(.*)/l)
822 24 3 if ($which_head > $listdepth) { }
3 0 elsif ($which_head < $listdepth) { }
858 2 19 if $pod
865 16 513 if ($txt =~ /\A=item\s+\*\s*(.*)\Z/ls) { }
12 501 elsif ($txt =~ /\A=item\s+(?>\d+\.?)\s*(.*)\Z/ls) { }
63 438 elsif ($txt =~ /\A=item\s+(.*)\Z/ls) { }
866 7 9 unless $1
876 81 3 if $fid
893 33 26 if ($level == 1 and not $Top) { }
894 1 32 if $hasindex and $Backlink
916 0 77 unless defined $item
922 0 77 if ($Items_Named{$item}++) { }
936 0 97 if ($tag ne 'dl' and $ListNewTerm)
941 27 70 if ($Items_Seen[$Listlevel]++ == 0) { }
947 53 17 if ($tag eq 'dl') { }
948 52 1 unless $ListNewTerm
953 69 28 $tag eq 'dl' ? :
966 1 96 if ($Listlevel == 0)
967 0 1 unless $Quiet
975 16 81 if ($text =~ /\A\*/l) { }
12 69 elsif ($text =~ /\A\d+/l) { }
977 9 7 if ($text =~ /\A\*\s+(\S.*)\Z/ls)
986 9 3 if ($text =~ /\A(?>\d+\.?)\s*(\S.*)\Z/ls)
996 59 10 if ($text =~ /\A(.+)\Z/ls)
1021 1 28 if ($Listlevel == 0)
1022 0 1 unless $Quiet
1030 27 1 if (defined $Listtype[$Listlevel])
1031 16 11 if ($Listtype[$Listlevel] eq 'dl') { }
1032 15 1 unless $ListNewTerm
1066 6 2 if ($whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/il) { }
1 1 elsif ($whom =~ /^illustration$/il) { }
1071 1 3 if -r "$text$ext"
1086 8 2 if ($whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/l)
1087 1 7 if $text
1098 0 9 if (not defined $Begin_Stack[-1] or $Begin_Stack[-1] ne $whom)
1110 0 15 if $Pod::Html::Ignore
1129 1 0 if (defined $Pages{$2}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $Pages{_dosify($2)}) { }
1141 0 1 if ($Htmlfileurl ne '') { }
1149 0 0 if $old_url =~ m[^\/]l
1235 70 618 $text =~ s/\A(\s+)//ls ? :
1236 95 593 $text =~ s/(\s+)\Z//ls ? :
1244 853 1432 if $word =~ /^\s*$/l
1251 15 1417 if ($notinIS and $word =~ / ^([a-z_]{2,}) # The function name \( ([0-9][a-z]* # Manual page(1) or page(1M) |[^)]*[\$\@\%][^)]+ # ($foo), (1, @foo), (%hash) | # () ) \) ([.,;]?)$ # a possible punctuation follows /ilx) { }
6 1411 elsif ($word =~ m[^\w+://\w]l) { }
6 1405 elsif ($word =~ /[\w.-]+\@[\w-]+\.\w/l) { }
1266 3 12 if ($args =~ /^\d+$/l)
1268 0 3 if (defined $url)
1288 1 5 if $word =~ /^\((.*?)\)(,?)/l
1289 1 5 if $word =~ /^<(.*?)>(,?)/l
1292 30 1375 if $word =~ /["&<>]/l
1308 9 795 $_[0] ? :
1309 18 395 defined $_ && s/\s+\z//l ? :
1312 0 409 if $Pod::Html::Ignore
1339 506 160 unless (defined $func)
1344 15 651 if ($func eq 'B') { }
20 631 elsif ($func eq 'C') { }
29 602 elsif ($func eq 'E') { }
4 598 elsif ($func eq 'F') { }
16 582 elsif ($func eq 'I') { }
64 518 elsif ($func eq 'L') { }
3 515 elsif ($func eq 'S') { }
7 508 elsif ($func eq 'X') { }
2 506 elsif ($func eq 'Z') { }
1385 2 62 if ($par =~ m[^\w+://]ls)
1389 3 59 if ($par =~ /^C<(.*)>$/l)
1398 22 37 if ($par =~ s/^([^|]+)\|//l)
1408 2 57 if ($par =~ m[^([^/]+?)/(?!")(.*?)$]l) { }
36 21 elsif ($par =~ m[^(.*?)/"?(.*?)"?$]l) { }
1 20 elsif ($par =~ /\s/l) { }
1410 2 0 if (length $2) { }
1437 38 21 if (defined $ident)
1440 18 20 if ($url)
1441 9 9 unless (defined $linktext)
1443 0 9 if $ident and $page
1444 0 9 if $page
1455 40 1 if ($url)
1456 27 13 unless (defined $linktext)
1458 2 25 if $section and $page
1459 17 10 if $page
1465 0 1 if ($section) { }
1472 0 1 if ($url)
1473 0 0 unless (defined $linktext)
1475 0 0 if $ident and $page
1476 0 0 if $page
1483 1 0 unless defined $linktext
1484 0 1 unless $Quiet
1489 58 1 if (defined $url) { }
1502 0 7 unless $$rstr =~ s/^[^>]*>//l or $Quiet
1506 0 2 unless $$rstr =~ s/^>//l or $Quiet
1515 22 257 if not $3 and $lev == 1
1516 162 117 $lev == 1 ? :
1517 97 182 if not $3 and $lev > 1
1518 160 22 if ($3)
1522 409 0 if ($lev == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (not $Quiet) { }
1544 100 16 if (not $3) { }
1546 84 16 unless @closing
1552 0 0 unless ($Quiet)
1565 23 15 unless defined $args
1572 5 33 if (defined $url and !defined($EmittedItem) || $EmittedItem ne $fid) { }
1603 0 44 if $^O eq 'VMS'
1604 0 44 if ($Is83)
1620 0 44 if (not defined $Pages{$page} and defined $Sections{$page})
1627 7 37 if defined $Pages{$page83}
1628 19 25 if ($page eq '') { }
14 11 elsif ($page =~ /::/l) { }
4 7 elsif (not defined $Pages{$page}) { }
1638 0 14 if (defined $Pages{$page_name} and $Pages{$page_name} =~ /([^:]*$page)\.(?:pod|pm):/l) { }
1656 1 13 if $section
1660 1 6 if $section ne ''
1666 0 7 if ($section ne '' and $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*(?
1674 1 6 if $section
1679 7 0 if ($Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.(?:pod|pm):/l) { }
1687 40 4 if ($link) { }
1694 1 39 if ($Htmlfileurl ne '') { }
1695 1 0 if $link =~ m[^/]ls
1721 4 1 if ($dest ne '')
1725 4 1 if ($rel_path ne '' and substr($rel_path, -1) ne '/' and substr($dest_file, 0, 1) ne '#') { }
1748 2 75 if (defined $page and $page ne '') { }
1752 0 2 unless defined $fid
1757 2 0 if ($base ne "$page.html")
1764 73 2 if (defined $fid)
1765 23 50 if (exists $Local_Items{$fid}) { }
1775 23 54 if (defined $page)
1776 0 23 if ($page) { }
1777 0 0 if (exists $Pages{$page} and $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:.]*)\.[^:]*:/l)
1784 0 0 if ($Htmlfileurl ne '') { }
1794 0 23 if $url =~ /"[^"]*\s[^"]*"/l
1818 1 77 if ($Listlevel)
1819 0 1 unless $Quiet
1868 1 844 if (ref $_[0]) { }
1880 10 1072 unless defined $$rstr
1881 835 237 if (not defined $func) { }
40 197 elsif ($func eq 'E') { }
13 184 elsif ($func eq 'X') { }
2 182 elsif ($func eq 'Z') { }
1904 182 39 unless $3
1934 14 91 unless ($text)
1942 30 75 if ($generate)
1943 3 27 if (exists $seen{$text}) { }
1964 3 3 defined $HC[ord $1] ? :
1982 233 5 if ($text) { }
1984 4 229 if $text =~ /(\w+)\s*\(/l
1985 14 215 if $text =~ /->\s*(\w+)\s*\(?/l
1988 15 200 if $text =~ /^([\$\@%*]\S+)/l
1991 14 186 if $text =~ m[^(\w+/).*/\w*$]l
1994 14 172 if $text =~ /^(\w+)\s*{.*}$/l
1998 53 119 if $text =~ m[^([a-z\d_]+)(\s+[A-Z,/& ][A-Z\d,/& ]*)?$]l
1999 14 105 if $text =~ m[^([a-z\d]+)\s+Module(\s+[A-Z\d,/& ]+)?$]l
2013 1 1 unless ($url =~ s[^(http:[-\w/#~:.+=&%\@!]+)(\?.*)$][$1]il)