Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 70 0.0

line true false branch
109 0 0 $version <= $myversion ? :
116 0 0 unless $$client{'users'}
120 0 0 if (ref $u)
122 0 0 defined $$u{'name'} ? :
124 0 0 if ($u eq $user)
136 0 0 unless $self->SUPER::Accept
138 0 0 if ($client = $$self{'client'})
139 0 0 if (my $cipher = $$client{'cipher'})
146 0 0 unless defined $msg
147 0 0 unless ref $msg eq 'ARRAY'
157 0 0 unless ($self->AcceptApplication($app))
162 0 0 unless ($self->AcceptVersion($version))
168 0 0 unless ($result = $self->AcceptUser($user, $password))
173 0 0 ref $result ? :
174 0 0 if (my $au = $$self{'authorized_user'})
175 0 0 if (ref $au and my $cipher = $$au{'cipher'})
181 0 0 if (my $client = $$self{'client'})
182 0 0 if (my $methods = $$client{'methods'})
186 0 0 if (my $au = $$self{'authorized_user'})
187 0 0 if (my $methods = $$au{'methods'})
236 0 0 unless defined $msg
237 0 0 unless ref $msg eq 'ARRAY'
239 0 0 if (not $command = shift @$msg) { }
242 0 0 if ($$self{'methods'})
244 0 0 unless ($class and $$class{$command})
249 0 0 unless ($error)
252 0 0 if ($@) { }
259 0 0 if ($error)
289 0 0 unless $object
295 0 0 unless $$self{'handles'}{$handle}
300 0 0 unless delete $$self{'handles'}{$handle}
310 0 0 if $Net::Daemon::RegExpLock and $$self{'mode'} eq 'threads'
314 0 0 if ($call_by_instance) { }
323 0 0 if ($$self{'methods'})
325 0 0 unless ($class and $$class{$method})