Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 56 100.0

line true false branch
21 76 6 unless $_[0]{'bbc_week'}
27 2 80 unless $_[0]{'bbc_week'}
41 76 6 unless $_[0]{'iso_week'}
47 2 80 unless $_[0]{'iso_week'}
70 22 8 if $m != 1
71 4 4 !($y % 4) && ($y % 100 || !($y % 400)) ? :
107 40 84 if $day >= 10 and $day < 20
129 3 34 if exists $values{'sec'}
130 1 36 if $ss < 0
1 36 if $ss > 59
131 3 34 if exists $values{'min'}
132 1 36 if $mm < 0
1 36 if $mm > 59
133 3 34 if exists $values{'hour'}
134 1 36 if $hh < 0
1 36 if $hh > 23
136 16 21 if exists $values{'day'}
137 12 25 if exists $values{'month'}
138 2 35 if $m < 0
2 35 if $m > 11
139 2 35 exists $values{'year'} ? :
150 23 18 if (exists $deltas{'days'})
154 14 27 if (exists $deltas{'months'})
160 4 37 if exists $deltas{'years'}
210 2 92 if $d < 1
213 38 54 if ($d > $i)
215 6 1 if $m == 1 and not $y % 4 and $y % 100 || !($y % 400)
216 36 2 if $d > $i