Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 18 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 0 3 4 $_->schild(0)->isa("PPI::Token::Word") and $_->schild(1)->isa("PPI::Token::Operator")
3 1 3 $_->schild(0)->isa("PPI::Token::Word") and $_->schild(1)->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and $_->schild(1)->content eq "->"
4 0 3 $_->schild(0)->isa("PPI::Token::Word") and $_->schild(1)->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and $_->schild(1)->content eq "->" and $_->schild(2)->isa("PPI::Token::Word")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
42 2 0 $ppi_doc->find('PPI::Statement::Package') || []
48 2 0 $ppi_doc->find('Statement::Include') || []
153 1 1 $ppi_doc->find('PPI::Statement::Sub') || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
124 3 0 0 $_->schild(0)->literal eq "__PACKAGE__" or $_->schild(0)->literal eq "$catalyst_app_class"