Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 134 0.7

line true false branch
55 2 0 unless eval { do { require Perl::MinimumVersion; scalar %Perl::MinimumVersion::CHECKS } }
66 0 0 if (defined(my $skip_checks = $self->{'_skip_checks'}))
76 0 0 if exists $skip_checks{$check}
77 0 0 if $check eq '_constant_hash'
79 0 0 if $check =~ /_modules$/
82 0 0 if defined $explicit_version and $check_version <= $explicit_version
84 0 0 if defined $config_above_version and $check_version <= $config_above_version
114 0 0 if ($ver < $v5010 and Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::Gtk2Constants::_document_uses_module($document, 'Modern::Perl'))
137 0 0 unless (eval { do { 'Perl::MinimumVersion'->VERSION(1.28); 1 } })
162 0 0 unless (exists $Perl::MinimumVersion::CHECKS{'_bareword_ends_with_double_colon'})
199 0 0 if $_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')
207 0 0 if $_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Magic')
218 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp')
222 0 0 $modifiers{'m'} ? :
233 0 0 _elem_is_filetest_operator($elem) && ($elem = $elem->snext_sibling) && _elem_is_filetest_operator($elem) ? :
260 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $elem->content eq '=>')
265 0 0 if ($saw_newline and $prev and $prev->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and not $prev =~ /^-/ and not Perl::Critic::Utils::is_method_call($prev))
283 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Whitespace')) { }
0 0 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Comment')) { }
315 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq $which and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem) and _arg_is_array_elem($elem->snext_sibling)) { }
329 0 0 unless $elem = _descend_through_lists($elem) and $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') and $elem->raw_type eq '$' and $elem = $elem->snext_sibling
337 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Structure::Subscript')) { }
0 0 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Structure::List')) { }
0 0 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $elem eq '->') { }
375 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'exists' and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem) and $elem = _symbol_or_list_symbol($elem->snext_sibling) and $elem->symbol_type eq '&') { }
395 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Number::Binary')) { }
412 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'syswrite' and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem) and (@args = Perl::Critic::Utils::parse_arg_list($elem)) == 2) { }
439 0 0 unless ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $count = $open_func{$elem} and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem))
454 0 0 if ($my->isa('PPI::Structure::List'))
457 0 0 if ($my->isa('PPI::Statement::Variable'))
463 0 0 if (_is_uninitialized_my($my))
490 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::COMMA{$elem})
508 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') and $elem->symbol_type eq '$' and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_method_call($elem) and not +($next = $elem->snext_sibling) && $next->isa('PPI::Structure::List')) { }
532 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem =~ /::$/) { }
550 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'my' and _list_contains_undef($elem->snext_sibling)) { }
582 0 0 unless $elem
583 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Structure::List')
588 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Structure::List') or $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression') or $elem->isa('PPI::Statement')) { }
0 0 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'undef') { }
646 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
647 0 0 unless $pack_func{$elem->content}
648 0 0 unless Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem)
658 0 0 if ($any_vars)
671 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq '__PACKAGE__' and not Perl::Critic::Utils::is_hash_key($elem)) { }
693 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Include')
694 0 0 unless $elem->type eq 'use'
695 0 0 if ($elem->version ne '') { }
711 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound')
712 0 0 unless $elem->type eq 'foreach'
714 0 0 unless $second->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
715 0 0 if ($second eq 'my') { }
731 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')
733 0 0 unless $elem eq '->'
736 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Structure::List')) { }
756 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'sysseek' || $elem eq 'CORE::sysseek' and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem)) { }
793 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $hash->{$elem} and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_method_call($elem)) { }
825 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq $which and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem) and _arg_is_array($elem->snext_sibling)) { }
841 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') and $elem->raw_type eq '@')
845 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Cast') and $elem eq '@')
866 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $elem eq 'eval' and Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($elem) and $elem = $elem->snext_sibling and $elem = _descend_through_lists($elem))
873 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Quote')) { }
0 0 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::HereDoc')) { }
874 0 0 if ($elem->string =~ /$initial_line_re/)
879 0 0 if ($str =~ /$initial_line_re/)
898 0 0 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Structure::List'))
900 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression')
903 0 0 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')