Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 80 22.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
68 0 0 1 UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and @{$$self{'children'};}
70 0 1 0 defined $$self{'children'}[$i] and UNIVERSAL::isa($$self{'children'}[$i], 'CODE')
77 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and @{$$self{'children'};}
110 0 0 0 /\d+/ and $_ < $t->children
212 0 0 0 ref $node and UNIVERSAL::can($node, 'children')
289 0 0 0 defined $handler and UNIVERSAL::isa($handler, 'CODE')
368 0 0 152 defined $class and $class =~ /^[a-zA-Z_][\w:]*$/
391 51 0 10 defined $handler and UNIVERSAL::isa($handler, 'CODE')
554 0 0 3 UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and $self->children > 0
574 0 0 0 $child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren
618 0 0 2 UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and $self->children > 0
639 0 0 0 $child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren
650 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and $self->children > 0
671 0 0 0 $child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren
683 0 0 1 ref $match eq 'CODE' and @_ > 0
737 0 0 9 defined $DELIMITER and exists $match_del{$DELIMITER}
757 0 98 0 $INDENT >= 0 and UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'footnote')
770 0 45 53 $INDENT >= 0 and UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'info')
772 0 98 0 $INDENT >= 0 and $res
780 0 0 0 $INDENT > 1 and $class =~ tr/\n// > $LINESEP
794 0 0 0 $INDENT >= 0 and $root->can('info')
920 0 0 1 exists $$tree1{$_} and not exists $$tree2{$_}
921 0 0 0 exists $$tree2{$_} and not exists $$tree1{$_}
924 0 0 0 defined $$tree1{$_} and not defined $$tree2{$_}
925 0 0 0 defined $$tree2{$_} and not defined $$tree1{$_}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
750 89 9 CORE::shift() || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
691 0 11 5 not defined $_ or &$match($_)