Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 60 51.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
474 0 2 defined $link and scalar lstat $link

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
127 7 4 21 $i < $#parts and -d join('/', @parts[0 .. $i])
279 0 0 4 $glob->recurse($follow, 1) && &prm($glob, \%$errRef)
307 0 3 6 defined $dir and -e $dir
3 1 5 defined $dir and -e $dir and -d _
4 0 5 defined $dir and -e $dir and -d _ and -r _
656 0 1 2 $glob->recurse($follow, 1) && &ptouch($glob, $stamp, \%$errRef)
682 0 9 12 defined $perm and $perm =~ /^\d+$/s
0 3 6 defined $perm and $perm =~ /^([ugo]+)([+\-])([rwxst]+)$/s
714 5 1 0 $tmp[2] =~ /s/s and $tmp[0] =~ /g/s
715 5 0 1 $tmp[2] =~ /s/s and $tmp[0] =~ /u/s
770 0 0 8 defined $perms and defined($ptrans = ptranslatePerms($perms))
906 0 1 3 $glob->recurse($follow, 1) && &pchmod($glob, $perms, \%$errRef)
941 0 0 0 defined $user and defined $group
960 0 0 0 $rv and $user != -1 || $group != -1
1027 0 0 0 $glob->recurse($follow, 1) && &pchown($glob, $user, $group, \%$errRef)
1057 2 0 1 -r "$_/$b" and -x _

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
85 0 7 shift() || {}
466 0 2 shift() || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
593 2 0 2 popen($target, 194) || popen($target, 2)
960 0 0 0 $user != -1 || $group != -1