Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 208 34.1

line true false branch
90 0 1 unless ($name)
159 0 0 if (ref $progs_aref eq 'ARRAY' and @$progs_aref)
161 0 0 if (grep(($_ eq '-n'), @ARGV) or grep /^LIB=/, @ARGV and not grep(/^INSTALLSCRIPT=/, @ARGV)) { }
198 0 0 if (ref $defines_href eq 'HASH' and keys %$defines_href)
202 0 0 if (defined $$defines_href{$key} and length $$defines_href{$key}) { }
221 0 0 if (grep(($_ eq '-D'), @ARGV))
229 0 0 if (grep(($_ eq '-d'), @ARGV))
245 0 0 if (grep(($_ eq '-M'), @ARGV))
258 0 0 if ($UPDATE_MANIFEST)
270 0 0 unless open my $fh, '
278 0 0 unless $line
318 0 0 unless (exists $manifest{$file})
326 0 0 if (@missing) { }
329 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>MANIFEST'
367 0 0 if (-f $f)
374 0 0 if (-d $d)
420 0 0 if $DEBUG
437 0 0 if (ref $$clibs_href{$lib} eq 'HASH') { }
439 0 0 if (exists $$clibs_href{$lib}{'mkf'}) { }
454 0 0 if $DEBUG
457 0 0 if (-f $mkf) { }
460 0 0 if ($fh) { }
469 0 0 if $specified_mkf
475 0 0 if $specified_mkf
487 0 0 unless $line
498 0 0 if ($line =~ /(\S+\.o)/)
511 0 0 if (-d "$libdir$incdir")
521 0 0 if (ref $$clibs_href{$lib} eq 'HASH' and exists $$clibs_href{$lib}{'config'})
523 0 0 if (ref $$clibs_href{$lib}{'config'}{'func'} eq 'CODE' and exists $$clibs_href{$lib}{'config'}{'file'})
579 0 25 if ($DEBUG and $msg)
583 25 0 if ($info_tag)
588 21 4 if $msg
590 0 25 unless defined $ok_val
597 0 25 unless open my $fh, ">$conftest"
607 25 0 if ($fh)
614 0 25 if ($DEBUG)
632 25 0 if ($info_tag)
654 20 0 if ($rc == 0 and not $errstr and -s $target)
669 21 4 if ($msg)
671 0 21 if ($DEBUG)
677 18 3 $ok ? :
680 25 0 if ($info_tag)
688 0 25 if ($DEBUG and $msg)
736 0 2 if ($DEBUG)
741 2 0 if $msg
747 0 3 if ($DEBUG)
757 2 1 if ($ok)
763 2 0 if ($msg)
765 0 2 if ($DEBUG)
770 2 0 $ok ? :
773 0 2 if ($DEBUG)
812 1 0 $ok ? :
831 0 0 $ok ? :
841 0 1 if ($Makeutils::Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc$/ and $ac_c_inline eq 'inline')
1039 0 0 if (not $@)
1059 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
1062 0 0 if ($content =~ /Current version : ([\d\.]+)/m)
1066 0 0 if ($content =~ /Newer version/m) { }
1102 1 0 unless ($ac_off64_t)
1132 0 1 if (not $ac_lseek64)
1145 14 0 unless defined $val
1146 14 0 unless defined $notval
1154 14 0 unless ($def)
1157 13 1 if ($has)
1162 1 13 unless ($def)
1167 13 1 $def eq 'define' ? :
1180 1 0 unless defined $val
1181 1 0 unless defined $notval
1184 1 0 $def eq 'define' ? :
1196 2 0 unless defined $val
1199 2 0 if ($Makeutils::Config{$key} eq 'define') { }
1220 2 0 unless defined $val
1221 2 0 unless defined $notval
1229 2 0 unless ($def)
1232 2 0 if ($has)
1237 0 2 unless ($def)
1242 2 0 $def eq 'define' ? :
1253 1 0 unless defined $val
1254 1 0 unless defined $notval
1257 1 0 unless ($def)
1260 0 1 if ($has) { }
1268 1 0 unless ($hasnt)
1276 0 1 unless ($def)
1281 1 0 $def eq 'define' ? :
1295 0 1 if ($arch_name =~ /ppc\-.*|powerpc\-.*/i) { }
0 1 elsif ($arch_name =~ /sparc\-*|sparc64\-.*/i) { }
0 1 elsif ($arch_name =~ /alpha.*/i) { }
0 1 elsif ($arch_name =~ /arm.*/i) { }
1 0 elsif ($arch_name =~ /i.86\-.*|k.\-.*|x86_64\-.*|x86\-.*|amd64\-.*|x86/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($arch_name =~ /ppc.*|powerpc.*/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($arch_name =~ /sparc*|sparc64.*/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($arch_name =~ /i.86.*|x86_64.*|x86.*|amd64.*|x86/i) { }
1348 0 1 unless ($arch)
1351 0 0 if ($^O ne 'MSWin32')
1361 0 1 unless ($arch)
1381 1 0 $Makeutils::Config{'sizetype'} eq 'size_t' ? :
1393 1 0 if ($Makeutils::Config{'byteorder'} =~ /^1/) { }
1396 1 0 if ($Makeutils::Config{'byteorder'} eq '12345678') { }
1419 0 0 if ($Makeutils::Config{'byteorder'} eq '87654321') { }
1491 1 0 if ($inline eq 'inline') { }
1506 1 0 $ac_struct_timeval ? :
1509 1 0 $Makeutils::Config{'signal_t'} ? :
1544 0 0 if ($var eq 'ENDIAN')
1546 0 0 if ($val =~ /#define (\w+)/) { }