Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 70 161 43.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
284 1 9 141 defined $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} and defined &_NUMBER($self->{'MaxWaitTime'})
10 2 139 defined $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} and defined &_NUMBER($self->{'MaxWaitTime'}) and int $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} * 1000 >= 1
11 0 139 defined $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} and defined &_NUMBER($self->{'MaxWaitTime'}) and int $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} * 1000 >= 1 and int $self->{'MaxWaitTime'} * 1000 <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
286 13 0 126 _isbig($self->{'MinBytes'}) ? $self->{'MinBytes'} >= 0 : defined &_NONNEGINT($self->{'MinBytes'}) and $self->{'MinBytes'} <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
288 15 1 110 _isbig($self->{'MaxBytes'}) ? $self->{'MaxBytes'} > 0 : &_POSINT($self->{'MaxBytes'}) and $self->{'MaxBytes'} >= $Kafka::Consumer::MESSAGE_SIZE_OVERHEAD
16 0 110 _isbig($self->{'MaxBytes'}) ? $self->{'MaxBytes'} > 0 : &_POSINT($self->{'MaxBytes'}) and $self->{'MaxBytes'} >= $Kafka::Consumer::MESSAGE_SIZE_OVERHEAD and $self->{'MaxBytes'} <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
290 15 0 95 defined &_POSINT($self->{'MaxNumberOfOffsets'}) and $self->{'MaxNumberOfOffsets'} <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
345 0 7 5048 defined $topic and $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
349 0 10 5037 defined $partition and &isint($partition)
10 0 5037 defined $partition and &isint($partition) and $partition >= 0
351 1 12 5024 defined $start_offset and _isbig($start_offset) && $start_offset >= 0 || defined &_NONNEGINT($start_offset)
353 12 1 5009 _isbig($max_size) || &_POSINT($max_size) and $max_size >= $Kafka::Consumer::MESSAGE_SIZE_OVERHEAD
13 0 5009 _isbig($max_size) || &_POSINT($max_size) and $max_size >= $Kafka::Consumer::MESSAGE_SIZE_OVERHEAD and $max_size <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
399 15018 0 0 $offset < $start_offset and not $_return_all
486 0 0 0 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
0 0 0 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time) and $time >= 0
532 0 0 0 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
0 0 0 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time) and $time >= 0
633 0 10 53 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
10 1 52 defined $time and _isbig($time) || &isint($time) and $time >= $Kafka::Consumer::RECEIVE_EARLIEST_OFFSET
635 14 0 36 &_POSINT($max_number) and $max_number <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
644 0 7 31 defined $topic and $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
648 0 10 20 defined $partition and &isint($partition)
10 0 20 defined $partition and &isint($partition) and $partition >= 0
737 0 0 0 defined $topic and $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
741 0 0 0 defined $partition and &isint($partition)
0 0 0 defined $partition and &isint($partition) and $partition >= 0
743 0 0 0 defined $offset and _isbig($offset) && $offset >= 0 || defined &_NONNEGINT($offset)
745 0 0 0 defined $group and $group eq '' || defined &_STRING($group)
805 0 0 0 defined $topic and $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
809 0 0 0 defined $partition and &isint($partition)
0 0 0 defined $partition and &isint($partition) and $partition >= 0
811 0 0 0 defined $group and $group eq '' || defined &_STRING($group)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
275 8 171 $self->{'ClientId'} //= 'consumer'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
280 0 152 7 $self->{'ClientId'} eq '' or defined &_STRING($self->{'ClientId'})
345 0 5048 7 $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
351 0 5024 12 _isbig($start_offset) && $start_offset >= 0 || defined &_NONNEGINT($start_offset)
353 0 5010 12 _isbig($max_size) || &_POSINT($max_size)
2 5022 0 not defined $max_size or _isbig($max_size) || &_POSINT($max_size) and $max_size >= $Kafka::Consumer::MESSAGE_SIZE_OVERHEAD and $max_size <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
373 0 0 5011 $api_version // $self->{'ApiVersion'}
5009 2 0 $max_size // $self->{'MaxBytes'}
5009 2 0 $max_size // $self->{'MaxBytes'}
415 0 0 0 $compression_codec == 1 or $compression_codec == 2
486 0 0 0 _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
532 0 0 0 _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
633 0 53 10 _isbig($time) || &isint($time)
635 2 50 0 not defined $max_number or &_POSINT($max_number) and $max_number <= $Kafka::Consumer::MAX_INT32
644 0 31 7 $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
667 18 2 0 $max_number // $self->{'MaxNumberOfOffsets'}
737 0 0 0 $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
743 0 0 0 _isbig($offset) && $offset >= 0 || defined &_NONNEGINT($offset)
745 0 0 0 $group eq '' || defined &_STRING($group)
805 0 0 0 $topic eq '' || defined &_STRING($topic)
811 0 0 0 $group eq '' || defined &_STRING($group)