Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 74 60.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
113 8 0 0 length $default_gimp_palette and -f $default_gimp_palette
129 24 21 3 $work =~ /\$HOME/ and not defined $ENV{'HOME'}
145 0 2 0 !$gimp_cache{$filename} || (stat $filename)[9] != $gimp_cache{$filename} and not _load_gimp_palette($filename)
237 0 0 0 !$x_cache{$filename} || (stat $filename)[9] != $x_cache{$filename}{'mod_time'} and not _load_x_rgb($filename)
279 1017 1467 2 @_ == 1 and &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])
302 2028 0 397 @_ == 3 and not grep(/[^\d.+eE-]/, @_)
303 1432 2 594 @_ == 4 and not grep(/[^\d.+eE-]/, @_)
323 37 0 2 exists $args{'red'} || exists $args{'r'} and exists $args{'green'} || exists $args{'g'}
0 2 0 exists $args{'red'} || exists $args{'r'} and exists $args{'green'} || exists $args{'g'} and exists $args{'blue'} || exists $args{'b'}
33 0 4 exists $args{'hue'} || exists $args{'h'} and exists $args{'saturation'} || exists $args{'s'}
0 4 0 exists $args{'hue'} || exists $args{'h'} and exists $args{'saturation'} || exists $args{'s'} and exists $args{'value'} || exists $args{'v'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
429 1 2 $opts{'ignore_alpha'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
84 2 0 2 $line =~ /^#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/
145 1 1 0 !$gimp_cache{$filename} || (stat $filename)[9] != $gimp_cache{$filename}
190 0 0 0 $line =~ /^[!#]/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/
237 0 0 0 !$x_cache{$filename} || (stat $filename)[9] != $x_cache{$filename}{'mod_time'}
323 1 1 37 exists $args{'red'} || exists $args{'r'}
1 1 0 exists $args{'green'} || exists $args{'g'}
1 0 1 exists $args{'blue'} || exists $args{'b'}
2 2 33 exists $args{'hue'} || exists $args{'h'}
2 2 0 exists $args{'saturation'} || exists $args{'s'}
2 0 2 exists $args{'value'} || exists $args{'v'}
1 0 1 exists $args{'channel0'} or $args{'c0'}
390 4 4 2 exists $args{"channel$i"} or exists $args{"c$i"}
401 0 0 28 exists $args{'alpha'} or exists $args{'a'}