Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 101 54.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
59 0 0 0 $$valPtr && !($$valPtr =~ /^f/i)
190 0 0 0 ref $w eq "ARRAY" and join($", @$w) eq "1 4 2"
327 0 0 19 $raf->Seek(-64, 2) and $raf->Read($buff, 64)
0 0 19 $raf->Seek(-64, 2) and $raf->Read($buff, 64) and $raf->Seek(0, 0)
336 0 0 16 $raf->Read($buff, length $beginComment) and $buff eq $beginComment
377 5 0 9 $metaRef and $$metaRef =~ /^(\d+)/
5 4 5 $metaRef and $$metaRef =~ /^(\d+)/ and $1 >= $nextObject
385 12 1 4 $et->{'DEL_GROUP'}{'PDF'} and $capture{'Info'}
488 2 0 4 $oldPos and $oldPos > $prevUpdate
524 7 0 10 $et->{'CHANGED'} != $oldChanged and defined $newXMP
0 7 0 $prevUpdate and $capture{'Root'}{'Metadata'}
529 0 0 4 $oldPos and $oldPos > $prevUpdate
562 10 1 6 not $rootChanged and $prevUpdate
565 0 3 3 $oldPos and $oldPos > $prevUpdate
604 13 0 0 $mainDict->{'Type'} and $mainDict->{'Type'} eq "/XRef"
632 10 0 6 ref $mainDict->{'ID'} eq "ARRAY" and @{$mainDict->{'ID'};} > 1
635 0 0 0 $id =~ /^\((.)/s and $1 ne "\\"
0 0 0 $id =~ /^\((.)/s and $1 ne "\\" and $1 ne ")"
0 0 0 $id =~ /^\((.)/s and $1 ne "\\" and $1 ne ")" and $1 ne "("
651 16 0 0 $mainDict->{'Type'} and $mainDict->{'Type'} eq "/XRef"
719 0 1 16 $rtn > 0 and $et->{'CHANGED'}
1 14 2 $rtn > 0 and $et->{'CHANGED'} and $et->{'DEL_GROUP'}{'PDF'} || $et->{'DEL_GROUP'}{'XMP'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
397 10 7 $prevInfoRef || \"$nextObject 0 R"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
46 31 66 0 $tagInfo->{'Writable'} || $tagInfo->{'Table'}{'WRITABLE'}
252 191 9 139 $wrote{$tag} or not defined $obj->{$tag}
311 0 0 19 $capture{'Error'} or $info->{'Error'}
312 0 0 0 $capture{'Error'} || $info->{'Error'}
445 5 4 2 $deleted or $tagInfo->{'List'}
4 2 0 $deleted or $tagInfo->{'List'} or not exists $infoDict->{$tagID}
464 2 9 0 $tagInfo->{'Writable'} || $Image::ExifTool::PDF::Info{'WRITABLE'}
518 9 5 3 $newXMP or $info->{'XMP'}
671 0 0 0 not @ids or $ids[0] != $id + 1
695 16 18 22 not @ids or $ids[0] != $id + 1
719 4 2 10 $et->{'DEL_GROUP'}{'PDF'} || $et->{'DEL_GROUP'}{'XMP'}