Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 126 0.7

line true false branch
39 0 1 if (@_)
42 0 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
73 0 0 if (@_)
76 0 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
104 0 0 if (@_)
107 0 0 unless ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
113 0 0 unless $_[0][$i]->can('_transform') and $_[0][$i]->can('jacobian')
137 0 0 if (@_)
140 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
175 0 0 unless @_ == 3
193 0 0 unless @_ == 4
266 0 0 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
269 0 0 if (@_ == $h + 2 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'Math::Matrix')) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == $h + 2 and ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == $h + 1 + grep({&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_);} @_)) { }
278 0 0 if (not ref $_[1][0] and @{$_[1];} == grep({&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_);} @{$_[1];})) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $_[1][0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[1];} == grep({&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_->[0]) if ref $_ eq 'ARRAY';} @{$_[1];})) { }
284 0 0 if ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'
332 0 0 if defined $_
0 0 if not defined $_
0 0 unless grep({++$i; push @si, $i if defined $_;} @{$in;}) == grep({++$j; push @so, $j if not defined $_;} @{$out;})
341 0 0 defined $init->[$i] ? :
352 0 0 $hash->{'inv_dlim'} || $self->[0]{'input_cs'} eq 'Lab ' ? :
408 0 0 if $error < $elim
436 0 0 if (defined $self->[1][$i] and $self->[2] & 1 << $i)
442 0 0 defined $jac ? :
449 0 0 unless defined $jac
452 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
476 0 0 if (defined $pcs) { }
479 0 0 if (grep {$pcs == $_;} 3, 8) { }
497 0 0 if (defined $self->[0]{'pcs_encoding'}) { }
522 0 0 if (defined $wtpt) { }
525 0 0 if (@{$wtpt;} == 3 and 3 == grep({not ref $_;} @{$wtpt;})) { }
543 0 0 if (defined $self->[0]{'wtpt'}) { }
572 0 0 ref $p eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 defined $p ? :
575 0 0 defined $p->[0] && !ref($p->[0]) ? :
581 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /s/)
593 0 0 if (not defined $element) { }
0 0 elsif (not &Scalar::Util::blessed($element)) { }
0 0 elsif ($element->can('sdump')) { }
608 0 0 defined $$p[$i + 1] ? :
645 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
667 0 0 if (defined $self->[1][$i] and $self->[2] & 1 << $i)
693 0 0 if (defined $self->[1][$i] and $self->[2] & 1 << $i)
732 0 0 if (@{$in;} == grep({not ref $_;} @{$in;})) { }
743 0 0 if (ref $in->[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { }
776 0 0 if ($self->[1][$i]->can('cin'))
779 0 0 unless (defined $ci)
787 0 0 if (defined $co)
790 0 0 unless $self->[1][$i]->cin == $co
797 0 0 if ($self->[1][$i]->can('cout'))
824 0 0 unless $array->[$i]->can('_trans1')
825 0 0 unless $array->[$i]->can('_trans2')
826 0 0 unless $array->[$i]->can('jacobian')
852 0 0 if ($tag->[0] =~ /^D2B[0-2]$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($tag->[0] =~ /^B2D[0-2]$/) { }
881 0 0 unless $mft[0] eq 'mpet'
907 0 0 if (exists $hash{$tag2->[1]}) { }
927 0 0 if ($class->can('new_fh')) { }
983 0 0 unless ref($self->[1][$i]) =~ /^ICC::Profile::(cvst|matf|clut|Generic)$/
986 0 0 if (not exists $hash{$self->[1][$i]}) { }
1019 0 0 unless (exists $hash{$self->[1][$i]})