Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 156 0.0

line true false branch
41 0 0 if (/E=/)
51 0 0 if (not $typemapid and $class)
53 0 0 if ($class =~ /::/) { }
62 0 0 if ($type =~ s/^struct\s+(.*)/$1/) { }
0 0 elsif ($type =~ /_t$/) { }
71 0 0 if ($cname =~ s/::/__/g)
84 0 0 if $aliastypes
85 0 0 if $malloctype
107 0 0 if $type =~ /^($ignore)/o
112 0 0 if $type =~ /\(/ and $type =~ /\)/
118 0 0 if $self->is_callback($type) or $self->should_ignore($type)
130 0 0 unless ($class and not $self->special($class))
132 0 0 unless $quiet
135 0 0 if ($class =~ /(.*?)::$/)
138 0 0 if ($class =~ /::/) { }
157 0 0 unless $class and not $self->special($class)
158 0 0 if ($class =~ /(.*?)::$/)
169 0 0 if ($class =~ /^[INU]V/) { }
0 0 elsif ($class =~ /^(U_)?CHAR$/) { }
185 0 0 unless ($self->map_type($return_type))
191 0 0 if $$map{'argspec'}
194 0 0 unless ($self->map_type($_))
224 0 0 if ($argspec) { }
231 0 0 if ($arg =~ /^<(.*?)$/)
238 0 0 if ($arg =~ /^(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)$/)
247 0 0 if ($type and $name) { }
256 0 0 if ($e) { }
0 0 elsif ($arg eq '...') { }
266 0 0 if ($arghash)
267 0 0 if ($return) { }
290 0 0 unless $map
293 0 0 unless $self->can_map($map, $$func{'return_type'} || 'void', map($$_{'type'}, @{$$func{'args'};}))
310 0 0 if $class
312 0 0 unless ($$mf{'class'})
330 0 0 unless $map
343 0 0 unless $callback
347 0 0 unless $map
351 0 0 unless $cb
354 0 0 unless $orig_args
362 0 0 !($args{$_}{'type'} =~ /::/) || $args{$_}{'rtype'} =~ /\*$/ ? :
0 0 $retargs{$_} ? :
365 0 0 if @{$$cb{'args'};}
381 0 0 unless $class = $self->map_type($stype)
389 0 0 unless (exists $self->structure_map->{$stype}{$name})
391 0 0 if (not $name) { }
401 0 0 unless ($mapping = $self->structure_map->{$stype}{$name})
411 0 0 if ($rtype = $self->map_type($type, 1)) { }
0 0 elsif ($rtype = $self->map_callback($e, $class)) { }
414 0 0 $malloctype ? :
0 0 $malloctype ? :
449 0 0 $self->structure_map->{$stype}{'new'} ? :
0 0 $self->structure_map->{$stype}{'private'} ? :
475 0 0 unless $$map{$$e{'rtype'}}{'class'} =~ /::/
480 0 0 if $$e{'type'} eq 'APR::Pool' and not $$func{'name'} =~ /^apr_pool/
481 0 0 if $$e{'type'} =~ /^(.*?)::$/
485 0 0 $$func{'name'} =~ /^apr_/ ? :
496 0 0 $type =~ /^struct\s+/ ? :
511 0 0 unless $self->exists($type) or $type eq 'new' or $type eq 'private'
514 0 0 @missing ? :
538 0 0 if $seen{$name}++ or $structures{$name} or $ignore_check{$name}
542 0 0 @missing ? :
634 0 0 if $seen{$$t[1]}++
685 0 0 if $self->special($ptype)
686 0 0 if $ctype =~ /\s/
693 0 0 if $seen{$ptype}++
695 0 0 if ($$typemap_code{$$t{'typemapid'}}) { }
703 0 0 if ($tmcode = $$typemap_code{$$t{'typemapid'}}{'perl2c'}) { }
711 0 0 if ($alias = $$t{'typealiases'}[0])
717 0 0 if ($tmcode = $$typemap_code{$$t{'typemapid'}}{'c2perl'}) { }
725 0 0 if ($alias)
731 0 0 if ($tmcode = $$typemap_code{$$t{'typemapid'}}{'create'})
736 0 0 if ($alias)
741 0 0 if ($tmcode = $$typemap_code{$$t{'typemapid'}}{'destroy'})
746 0 0 if ($alias)
751 0 0 if ($ptype =~ /^(\wV)$/ and $ptype ne 'SV')
760 0 0 if ($alias = $$t{'typealiases'}[0])
766 0 0 $class eq 'PV' ? :
770 0 0 if ($alias)