Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 35 88.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
232 84 44 $err and scalar @_

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
97 22 41 157 $return_hook_id and --$hook_nested_level <= 0
154 32 26 5 $type and not $err_var
165 39 9 10 $where_present and not $where =~ /^{.*}$/
243 12 7 9 $err_blessed and $err->isa($type)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
85 1 0 131 $OPTS{Devel::Declare::get_curstash_name()}{'-noret'} or $return_hook_id
188 0 0 76 $OPTS{Devel::Declare::get_curstash_name()}{'-noret'} or $return_hook_id
206 11 93 24 not defined EVAL() or EVAL() != CALLER(2)
243 20 0 28 not $type or $err_blessed and $err->isa($type)
295 101 2 16 $exception_caught || $$opts{'-safetry'}
5 16 103 $catch_fail or not $exception_caught || $$opts{'-safetry'}
300 1 98 4 $$opts{'-noret'} or not $need_unwind