Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 88 28.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
154 16097 0 1076 $conv =~ /[\r\n]/ and $$self{'LineInit'}
208 128 16 16 $$_{'_designated_to'} and $$_{'ss'}
248 6267 10906 0 $range and $chunk =~ /^([$range]{1,$bytes})/
281 0 0 0 $$_{'_designated_to'} and $$_{'ls'}
314 16097 0 1076 $conv =~ /[\r\n]/ and $$self{'LineInit'}
388 5855 33546 17173 defined $conv and length $conv
428 0 0 0 $$_{'g'} and $$_{'g'} eq $g
0 0 0 $$_{'g_init'} and $$_{'g_init'} eq $g
434 36458 0 22 $$_{'_designated_to'} && $$_{'_designated_to'} eq $g
492 0 0 0 $$_{'g_seq'} and $$_{'g_seq'} eq $g_seq
0 0 0 $$_{'g_seq'} and $$_{'g_seq'} eq $g_seq and $$_{'ls'}
0 0 0 $$_{'g_seq'} and $$_{'g_seq'} eq $g_seq and $$_{'ls'} and $$_{'ls'} eq $ls
498 0 0 0 not $$_{'g_seq'} and ($$_{'g'} || $$_{'g_init'}) eq $g
0 0 0 not $$_{'g_seq'} and ($$_{'g'} || $$_{'g_init'}) eq $g and $$_{'ls'}
0 0 0 not $$_{'g_seq'} and ($$_{'g'} || $$_{'g_init'}) eq $g and $$_{'ls'} and $$_{'ls'} eq $ls
505 0 0 0 $$_{'_invoked_to'} && $$_{'_invoked_to'} eq $i
537 0 0 0 ref $item and $item->can('renew')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
47 0 0 $$ccs{'encoding'} || ''
52 1 0 $opts{'SubChar'} || '?'
160 0 0 $bytes || 1
220 10906 6267 $$ccs{'bytes'} || 1
344 0 0 $$self{'SubChar'} || '?'
370 0 5871 $$ccs{'bytes'} || 1
466 36458 0 $g_seq || ''
482 0 16 $$ccs{'bytes'} || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
213 10910 0 0 $$_{'g'} || $$_{'g_init'} || $$_{'ls'} || $$_{'ss'}
250 0 0 0 not defined $errLen or $len < $errLen
417 21835 14645 0 $$ccs{'g'} || $$ccs{'g_init'}
428 0 0 0 $$_{'g'} and $$_{'g'} eq $g or $$_{'g_init'} and $$_{'g_init'} eq $g
447 0 8 36450 $$ccs{'ls'} or $$ccs{'ss'}
488 0 0 0 $$ccs{'g'} || $$ccs{'g_init'}
498 0 0 0 $$_{'g'} || $$_{'g_init'}