Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 104 78.8

line true false branch
26 33 1 unless @_
29 0 1 if $@
40 0 37 if $@
42 0 37 if defined $args{'platform'}
45 36 1 unless exists $args{'CLEANUP'}
56 3 34 if $args{'DIR'}
60 39 35 if $args{$_}
64 2 35 if $args{'TEMPLATE'}
68 1 36 if $args{'TEMPLATE'} and not $args{'DIR'}
75 0 37 unless -d $base
87 2 2 unless blessed $self and $self->isa('Directory::Scratch')
91 0 2 if exists $$self{'_args'}
108 37 242 if ($desired)
110 0 37 if $@
122 218 0 if ($platform) { }
135 24 0 if ($platform) { }
149 10 37 if -d $path
150 24 13 if -e $path
159 1 1 if (wantarray)
172 15 2 if -e $dir and -d $dir
182 0 8 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
188 2 6 unless symlink $from, $to
210 0 28 if -d $file
212 17 11 if (wantarray) { }
231 0 58 unless -e $path->parent
238 3 55 if (defined $method and $method eq 'Directory::Scratch::append') { }
240 0 3 unless path($path->stringify)->append(@_, '')
245 0 55 unless path($path->stringify)->append({'truncate', 1}, @_, '')
259 121 0 if (not defined $path) { }
268 120 1 if (wantarray)
283 0 52 unless -d $path->dir
286 0 52 unless open my $fh, '+>', $path
287 50 2 if wantarray
296 0 49 unless $self->write($file, @_)
308 6 5 if ($dir)
311 1 5 unless $path
313 2 3 unless -d $path
320 8 41 if $file eq $path
331 1 1 unless shift()
335 1 4 if ('SCALAR' eq ref $value) { }
340 1 3 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $value
353 1 10 unless -e $path
355 5 5 if (-d _) { }
376 0 3 if (@errors > 0)
391 0 119 if $@
396 107 12 if (@_ == 2) { }
11 1 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
401 10 1 if $min > $max
403 0 119 if $max < 1
407 0 119 unless $fh
419 1 35 if not $$self{'args'}{'CLEANUP'}